Angers, BM, 368

From Clavis Canonum
Library Angers, BM
Shelfmark 368
Century saec. XI
European region of origin unknown
Collection Burchard of Worms, Liber decretorum
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Main author Christof Rolker

Angers, BM, 368 (355) is a complete copy of Burchard with some gaps and additions typical of the Italian branch of the transmission.


Parchment; 217 folios; 370 x 250 mm; two columns; Italy; saec. XI; Prov. Saint-Aubin.

The collection (including the preface) is written in two columns. The prefaces opens with a large (nine lines) initial B, but the collection itself is hardly decorated apart from rubrics and modest (two-line) initials in red. The inscriptions are in the outer margins in a smaller script. Both the capitulationes entries and the individual chapters are numbered in red (with some corrections).


Additions, omissions, and variants
Canon fol. Comment
BU01.021 7vb-8ra Augmented: "Cavendum est et summopere […] Cur non videtur, cur non perpenditur, quia benedictio illi in maledictionem convertitur qui ad hoc ut [add.] fiat [corr. ex. fit] hereticus ordinatur [corr. ex ordinetur]? Et item. Quisquis contra hanc […] concupiscit. Et alibi. Dolens […] non poterit"
BU01.121 22rab Augmented
BU01.141-142 25vab The text of cc. 141-142 (here numbered CXLII-CXLIII post correctionem) is swapped, and they originally lacked inscriptions.
BU02.023 40vb Displaced (after c. 18)
BU03.015A 58vb Addition of JE 1317 after BU03.015
BU03.095 65v Lacking.
BU03.152A 70rb No addition after BU03.152
BU03.178 72va Abbreviated: "Item placuit ut presbiteri non vendant rem ecclesie ubi sunt constituti nescientibus episcopis suis, quomodo et episcopis non liceat vendere predia ecclesie ignorante concilio vel presbiteris, suis titulis usurpare"
BU08.038 112va Abbreviated, ending "... non cohabitare tecto." The rest of fol. 112v is empty, and so is fol. 113r.
BU08.049 113vb Abbreviated, beginning only "et ita omnem ...".
BU09.042 121ra Lacking.


Kéry, Collections p. 137.