Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 43

From Clavis Canonum
Library Admont, Stiftsbibliothek
Shelfmark Cod. 43
Century saec XII
European region of origin Southern Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection Collectio Admontensis
Collection 2 Gratian, Concordia discordantium canonum
Digital Images manuscripta
Description at manuscripta
Description at 2 leges.uni-koeln
Description at 3 ivo-of-chartres.github

Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 43, fol. 1r-197v is a copy of the second half of Gratian's Decretum, from C.13. The corresponding first volume is Admont, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 23. On fol. 198r-236v it contains the Collectio Admontensis which in turn contains the Tractatus de sacrilegiis and excerpts from the Collectio Tripartita.

The contents of the volume are:

  • fos. 1r-11r: The introduction to the Decretum known as In prima parte agitur, for C. 13-36, omitting the description of de consecratione.
  • fos. 11r-12v: The introduction to the Decretum known as Hoc opus inscribitur.
  • fos. 13r-198r: Gratian's Decretum, C.13-C.36 in the first recension interpolated with some second-recension texts.
  • fos. 198r-236v: Collectio Admontensis, including on fos. 198r-204r the De immunitate et sacrilegio et singulorum clericalium ordinum compositione and an excerpt from the Collectio Tripartita.
  • fos. 237r-279v: De consecratione from Gratian's Decretum.
  • fos. 280r-340v: Supplement to the earlier text of Gratian's Decretum of texts that were added in the second recension and not already in the volume.
  • fos. 341r-342v: D. 73 from Gratian's Decretum, not otherwise found in the volume.



Kéry, Collections p. 194, 246. Anders Winroth, The Making of Gratian's Decretum (Cambridge, 2000), p. 25-26.