Talk:List of manuscript keys

From Clavis Canonum

Latest comment: 25 July by Christof Rolker in topic 's-Gravenhage


FIXEDÜblicherweise wird der Vatikanstaat auf italienisch benamst, bei der alphabetischen Ordnung dann aber doch wieder unter V eingeordnet. Sonderfälle über Sonderfälle... --Christof Rolker (talk) 17:47, 4 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Prima, das laesst sich aber sehr leicht im Sortkey beruecksichtigen. Clemens Radl (talk) 09:18, 9 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

El Escorial

FIXEDDie Escorial-Signaturen beginnen mit einem Buchstaben, das L ist also keine römische 50, sondern ein L, und die nächste Signaturengruppe beginnt mit M, zum Beispiel --Christof Rolker (talk) 17:50, 4 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

OK. Danke, das werde ich in die Sonderregeln uebernehmen. Clemens Radl (talk) 09:19, 9 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Musaeum Plantin-Moretus

FIXEDDer bestand ist ziemlich klein (600 Hss) und ich kenne lauter "M"-Signaturen, aber keine anderen. Wahrscheinlich daher "Museum", "Moretus" oder vielleicht "Manuscriptum", aber sicher nicht "mille". :-) --Christof Rolker (talk) 17:55, 4 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

OK. Danke, das werde ich in die Sonderregeln uebernehmen. Clemens Radl (talk) 09:19, 9 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Archivio Capitolare di S. Ambrogio

FIXEDDas "di" in "Archivio Capitolare di S. Ambrogio" wurde auch als Zahl gelesen. --Christof Rolker (talk) 17:59, 4 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Hoppala, das war mir noch gar nicht aufgefallen. Wird in die Regeln uebernommen. Danke. Clemens Radl (talk) 09:19, 9 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Zürich und Würzburg

FIXEDDas Würzbruger M und das Zürcher C sind auch keine Zahlen - macht aber nichts, die Hss werden ja korrekt sortiert --Christof Rolker (talk) 18:00, 4 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Danke. Ich werde es wohl trotzdem als Sonderregel ausklammern. Clemens Radl (talk) 09:20, 9 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]


Just for the sake of completeness - "Munich" should be "München" and "Luxemburg" should be "Lucembourg", but that is not a problem for the sort order. What about s'Gravenhagen (under "S"?) and place names like "Sankt Gallen" and "Saint Petersburg"? There are bibliographical manuals dealing with this issue, but I don't know them by heart. Christof Rolker (talk) 09:26, 13 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]

I'll include the case for 's-Gravenhage into the program for the bot so that it will be sorted under 'G'. I'll have to look up how to deal with 'Sankt'/'Saint'/'St(.)'. By the way, if we strictly go for the official local name then Saint Petersburg should be 'Санкт-Петербург' or rather the transliterated form 'Sankt-Peterburg', which, I believe, looks equally strange for German and English/American eyes. --Clemens Radl (talk) 16:29, 7 September 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]
True, but let's not spend much time on these issues. "Saint Petersburg" should do. Christof Rolker (talk) 17:06, 7 September 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]
Ich habe mich inzwischen für "Den Haag" entschieden, als einzige Abweichung von der Regel, offizielle Ortsnamen zu verwenden; s'Gravehage ist einfach zu ungebräuchlich. Christof Rolker (talk) 17:04, 25 July 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]


The various lists found here are a good way to see whether the sort key works well: Christof Rolker (talk) 09:28, 13 August 2022 (CEST)Reply[reply]


THere are two sort key for Admont Mss, with and without "Cod.". Is "Cod." part of the signature or not? Page name and sort key should match. --Christof Rolker (talk) 13:27, 15 April 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]

München vs. Munich

I have changed the sort key for all Munich MSS to "München, ..." because we use local languages for all archive/library locations, and sort key should match page names as closely as possible. --Christof Rolker (talk) 13:28, 15 April 2023 (CEST)Reply[reply]


Note that I updated references to the Kassel ms of Dionysiana so it conforms to the current name of the library and the shelf mark as they use it: Kassel, Universitätsbibliothek, 4° Ms. theol. 1. atb Christof Rolker (talk) 09:23, 8 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]


Leiden university was called "Rijksuniversiteit" until 1998, but since then the library is simply the "Universiteitsbibliotheek". I have run a "replace text" to change this in the Clavis Wiki. Christof Rolker (talk) 00:26, 17 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]

Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum

Das "Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum" hat sich 2020 in "Huis van het boek" umbenannt, ich habe das übernommen. Bei der Gelegenheit habe ich den Ortsnamen auf das üblichere "Den Haag" umgestellt, auch wenn das nicht der amtliche Name ist. Kann jederzeit revertiert werden. Christof Rolker (talk) 00:36, 17 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]


Die Universität Ghent hieß nur bis 1991 "Rijksuniversiteit". Die "Centrale Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit" ist seither einfach "Universiteitsbibliotheek", und statt desse englischen "Ghent" sollten wir das niederländische "Gent" verwenden. Ich ändere es. Christof Rolker (talk) 00:44, 17 June 2024 (CEST)Reply[reply]