Sententiae Sidonis

From Clavis Canonum
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The Sententiae Sidonis are a so-called sentence collection from the twelfth century extant in Vat. lat. 1345, containing mainly "theological" but also canon law material. Its formal sources are other sentence collections (Summa sententiarum, Deus itaque summa), the Panormia, and maybe Abelard's Sic et non (according to John Wei). Material taken from the Panormia includes the Papal Election Decree of 1059, a version of the Donation of Constantine, and the false Investiture Privileges. The collection, compiled by a certain Ubaldus according to the preface, probably originated in twelfth-century Italy; the sole manuscript, however, was likely written in the Holy Land.

The prologue is quoted by Fournier, Collections attribuées à Yves, 665.

The manuscript is online (with bibliorgaphy)


Jasper, Papstwahldekret, 11-12. Artur Michael Landgraf, Die Summa Sententiarum und die Summe des Cod. Vat. lat. 1345, in: Recherches de Théologie ancienne et médiévale 11 (1939), 260–270. Märtl, Überlieferung, 36. Johanna Petersmann, Die kanonistische Überlieferung des Constitutum Constantini bis zum Dekret Gratians. Untersuchung und Edition, in: Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters 30 (1974), 356–449, at 386. John Wei, Of Scholasticism and Canon Law: Narratives Old and New, in: New Discourses in Medieval Canon Law Research: Challenging the Master Narrative, hg. von Christof Rolker (Medieval Law and Its Practice 28), Leiden und Boston 2019, 105–126, at 119-120.


  • saec. XII
  • Collections not (yet!) in Clavis database