Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek, Memb. I 85

From Clavis Canonum

Gotha, Forschungsbibliothek, Memb. I 85 contains the Decretum Gelasianum, the Collectio Laureshamensis, and additional material (including a capitulary, a fragment of JE 1843, Isidore's letter to Massona of Mérida, patristic excerpts, and the Breviarium ecclesiastici ordinis). Loew (CLA VIII 1209) thought it was written "doubtless in the Rhenish area, probably in Alsatia", and pointed to Wissembourg: "early Caroline minuscule recalling Weissenburg hands". According to Bischoff, it was written in the 8th/9th century in Upper Alsace, perhaps Wissembourg. CLA dates it "saec VIII-IX"; this was rendered "780 - 820" (Earlier Latin Manuscripts), "775-825" (Trismegistos), or "750-850" (DCLP).

Note that Loew refers to the content as "Collectio Canonum Murbacensis".



Loew, CLA VIII 1209; Mordek, Bibliotheca pp. 149-152; Bischoff, Katalog I, p. 297, no. 1421; Kéry, p. 49


  • Manuscript
  • saec VIII/IX (Loew, Bischoff, Mordek)
  • digitized
  • Alsace, perhaps Wissembourg (Loew Bischoff)
  • copy of Collectio Laureshamensis