Collectio Weingartensis

From Clavis Canonum

Title Collectio Weingartensis
Key ?
Century saec. VI
Main author Christof Rolker

The collection is dated to the late sixth century; it is extant in only one manuscript (Stuttgart, WLB, HB.VI.113; from Rhetia). Kéry describes it as a "chronologically arranged collection of conciliar canons and decretals (only very few decretals); influenced by or even directly relying on the Collectio Quesnelliana" (p. 42).

The manuscript

  • Stuttgart, WLB, HB.VI.113


Maassen, Geschichte 484; Kéry, Collections pp. 42-43.


  • Collection
  • not in Clavis
  • saec. VI
  • "Rome" (Kéry), hence central Italy
  • this article is a stub