Collectio Iustelliana

From Clavis Canonum
Title Collectio Iustelliana
Key ?
Alternative title Sammlung der Justel’schen Handschrift (Maassen)
Century saec. VI
Main author Rolker, Christof

This chronologically arranged collection of conciliar canons extant only in Oxford, Bodleian Library, e Mus. 101, 100, and 102 (olim 3637, 3686, 3688) dates probably to the late sixth century. As Maassen argued, the manuscript was only bound in three volumes in the 17th century; originally, the quires today found in e mus. 101, 100, and 102 were only one volumen; for example, e mus. 101 fol. 8v is marked as the end of the first quire. The Iustelliana was described by Maassen as one of his four Italian collections of the sixth century (the other three being Collectio Sanblasiana, Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342 , and Collectio Teatina).


Maassen, Geschichte pp. 533-536; Kéry, Collections pp. 41-42


  • Collection
  • not in Clavis
  • saec. VIex?
  • from ITaly
  • this article is a stub