Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii)

From Clavis Canonum
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An excerpt of the Collectio Hibernensis on the laws of marriage, made in the ninth century, which had a wide circulation. Kéry lists 22 manuscripts (plus one containing excerpts). The collection has been edited by Kunstmann in 1861 from München, BSB, Clm 6242.


Maassen, Geschichte p. 885; Kéry, Collections p. 26.


  • belongs to: Hibernensis group
  • large (1000 to 2000 canons) collection
  • from Ireland
  • saec. IX
  • Collection
  • based on printed edition (Wasserschleben)
  • Separate entry for beta version!

DEFAULTSORT Collectio 030 titulorum