Cheltenham, Phillipps Collection, 17849

From Clavis Canonum
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Elliot describes it as an incomplete copy of the Collectio Sanblasiana saec. VIII from northern Italy, copied by three scribes. Bischoff describes it as Italian "with hands partly under Insular influence"

The manuscript was part of the Phillipps collection at Cheltanham and since 1945 has been sold several times; it has been part of the Bodmer Collection in Cologny, the Sammlung Ludwig, the collections of the Getty Museum, and today is owned by an unknown private collector in Europe.



Kéry, p. 30 (= Mordek, Kirchenrecht, p. 241); Bischoff, Manuscripts, p. 48 n. 139; Elliot, Canon Law pp. 114-115


  • manuscript
  • not in Clavis
  • saec. VIII
  • not digitzed
  • from northern ITaly