Collectio Colbertina

From Clavis Canonum

Title Collectio Colbertina
Key ?
Century saec. VI? VII? VIII?
Place of origin Gaul? Italy? Northern France?
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Main author Christof Rolker

The Collectio Colbertina extant only in Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 1455 (once part of Colbert's library). It is a derivative of the Collectio Sanblasiana combined with excerpts from the Collectio Quesnelliana (Elliot, Canon Law, p. 240: "[...] the Collectio Colbertina (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Lat. 1455 [s. ix3/4–4/4, Reims region]), compiled no earlier than the mid sixth century by combining the entirety of Coll.Sanb. with material from other collections, including Coll.Quesn.").

The place of origin is unknown; Kéry, Collections p. 31 reports "Gaul (Maassen); Northern France or Rhine region (Van Hove) (Stickler: more likely in Italy); Le Bras, “Notes III’ 514 n. 3: perhaps Rome?". Likewise, the date is uncertain, as Elliot, Canon Law, p. 234 noted: "the Colbertina may be as early as the middle of the sixth or as late as the eighth century."


  • Kéry, Collections p. 30 (as a copy of Sanblasiana) and 31 (Colbertina).
  • Maassen, Geschichte p. 536-542.
  • Wirbelauer, Zwei Päpste, pp


  • Collection
  • this article is a stub
  • not in Clavis