Paris, BnF, lat. 3871

From Clavis Canonum
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The manuscript contains two canon law collections; the first (the Collectio CXXXVI capitulorum) is essentially an abbreviated form of the Collectio X partium. The other collection (the Collectio XXX capitulorum) is very small. Both collections were first described by Gérard Fransen and more recently analysed by Dominique Stutzmann.

3rd quarter of 12th century, Abbey of Fontenay (Burgundy).

(1r-171v) Ivo Carnotensis, Panormia

(171v- 179v) The Collectio CXXXVI capitulorum

(179v-185ra) The Collectio XXX capitulorum

MS based on MSS Troyes, Bibl. mun. 480 (Clairvaux R.82) and Troyes Bibl. mun. 1519 (Clairvaux R.83).

Online description : BnF Archives et Manuscrits (, based on Dominique Stutzmann, La bibliothèque de l'abbaye cistercienne de Fontenay (Côte d'Or). Constitution, organisation, dissolution (XIIe-XVIIIe s.), 4 vol., Thèse pour le diplôme d'archiviste-paléographe, Ecole Nationale des Chartes, 2002, t. 3, p. 157-170.

Digitized MS from microfilm on Gallica:


  • Manuscript
  • saec. XII
  • from Fontenay (Western France)