Salzburg, Stiftsbibliothek St. Peter, a.IX.32

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 12:05, 18 May 2023 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (added literature)

Salzburg, Erzabtei St. Peter, Benediktinerstift, Bibliothek, a. IX. 32.

The manuscript contains the Collectio Salisburgensis , two other collections (see here), and various excerpts from different sources including Canones Romanorum ad Gallos, capitularies, and various canonical collections.

Further information available at (bibliography)

Description of the ms. at the Bibliotheca Legum.


  • [Georg] PHILLIPS, Der Codex Salisburgensis S. Petri IX.32. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der vorgratianischen Rechtsquellen, in: Sitzungsberichte der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philosophisch-Historische Klasse 44 (1863), 437–510.


  • Manuscript
  • saec. XI
  • not digitized
  • written in Austria (Salzburg)