Collectio XII partium (mixed version)
The Collection in Twelve Parts survives in two major versions. There is also a version of the collection with characteristics of both 2CDP and 1CDP in Berlin, SBPK, Savigny 2. The titles of the parts in the later version are as follows:
1.) De episcopis; 2.) De sacris ordinibus; 3.) De communi vita; 4.) De ecclesiis et earum iustitiis; 5.) De sacramentis ecclesie; 6.) De festivitatibus et ieiuniis et crapula et ebrietate; 7.) De homicidiis et calumniis episcoporum et reliquorum ordinum; 8.) De incesto diversi generis et legitimis coniugiis; 9.) De synodo celebranda; 10.) De diversis conditionibus hominum et de excommunicatione reproborum; 11.) De penitentia et reconciliatione; 12.) De vita activa et contemplativa.
Additions in the version of the Liber decretorum of Burchard augmented in southeastern Germany (see above) seem to come from the Collectio XII partium.
- not in Clavis database
- belongs to: 12P group
- very large (more than 2000 canons) collection
- from southern Germany
- saec. XI
DEFAULTSORT Collectio 012 partium 03