Categories for collections by region

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 16:27, 27 April 2022 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs)
Categories for collections by place of origin
Part of Europe Modern Country Modern Region Examples (from Clavis handbook)
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Austria]] Ranshofen
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Eastern France]] Metz, Eastern, France, Lorraine, modern Burgundy
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Northern France]] Chartres, Reims, Northern France, Laon, Sens, Thérouanne, Fleury, Châlons, Arras
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Western France]] Poitiers, Angoulême
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Germany]] [[Category:Collection from Southern Germany]] Würzburg, Regensburg, Reichenau, Freising, Southern Germany, St Blasien, Passau
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Germany]] [[Category:Collection from Western Germany]] Mainz, Trier, Worms, Prüm, Cologne
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Ireland]] Ireland
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Switzerland]] St Gall
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from United Kingdom]] [[Category:Collection from England]] Cambridge
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Southern France]] Lyon, Rhone Valley, Kingdom of Burgundy
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Italy]] [[Category:Collection from Central Italy]] Rome, Central Italy, Farfa, Montecassino
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Italy]] [[Category:Collection from Northern Italy]] Lucca, Polirone, ...
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Italy]] [[Category:Collection from Southern Italy]] Southern Italy, South of Rome, Palermo
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Spain]] [[Category:Collection from Catalonia]] Catalonia, Ripoll
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Tunesia]] Carthage