Collectio V librorum in Vat. lat. 1348

From Clavis Canonum

Vat. lat. 1348 is the only known copy of a collection in five books (not to be confused with the more famous Beneventean Collection in Five Books) which is essentially a derivative of the Collectio CLXXXIII titulorum (compiled after 1063). The title of the collection is Liber excerptum ex sententiis canonum sanctorum patrum. A note on fol. 7r relates that the codex belonged to the monastery of S. Maria de Angelis in Florence, and the collection may well have been compiled in or near Florence. Often texts taken from the same source are separated by Aliud rather than De eodem. This was a practice common in Florence. A number of canons are added at the ends of books 1, 2, 4 and 5. The canon in title 37 of book 1, the most recent of all datable texts in the manuscript, is the liturgical text attributed to Gregory VII, In die resurrectionis (JL ante 4828). According to Arturo Bernal Palacios this form of the text is found in an addition to the Liber decretorum of Burchard in the Ms Pistoia, Archivio Capitolare del Duomo C. 125, fol. 3rb. This is followed in the Ms Vat. lat. 1348 by the Decretum de recipiendis vel non recipiendis libris of pope Gelasius. Then excerpts entitled De ordine Romano, which are also found in the early 12th century Tuscan Collectio III librorum. The canons added to the end of book 2 are found only in a florilegium from Polirone in the Ms Mantua, BC 266.

There is a description of the contents of the five books on fol. 7v– 8v of the Ms Vat. lat. 1348. It contains in abbreviated form the rubrics found in the capitulationes preceeding each book:

Primus liber continet de primatu romane aecclesie ac primatibus provinciarum. De electione pontificum et ordinatione eorum. De consecratione sacerdotum et levitarum aliorumque ordinum et quibus fiat temporibus quaque personarum aetate. De ambitiosis parvasque aecclesias respuentibus. De visitatione plebium ac celebratione synodi, de consecratione aecclesiarum misseque celebratione. De sacerdotibus depositis praediisque aecclesiasticis. De divisione oblationis ac aecclesie possessione. De corpore domini aliisque sacramentis. De decimis atque aecclesie servis. De illicitis coniunctionibus utrum sint ordinandi. De officio diaconorum et usurariis presbyteris. De celebratione divine officii 103 et ordine librorum veteris ac novi testamenti ac quibus temporibus debent legi. De variis ordinibus in aecclesia positis ad eam gubernandam.

Secundus liber continet de communi vita clericorum ac ordinatione eorum et doctrina. De provectis sine examine et lapsu eorum. De obedientia omnium ad episcopos. De accusatis et accusatoribus. De induciis et purgatione criminum. De resistentibus sacerdotibus et reprehensione eorum. De expoliatis ac praecipitatione sententie. De participatione cum excommunicatis et potestate concessa sacerdotibus. De conversione per penitentiam ac de scismaticis. De restitutione sacerdotum et unitate aecclesie. De tolleratione malorum et meritis plebium ac rectorum. De penitentia, quae crimina purgat et quae non.

Tertius liber continet de baptismate eiusque institutione. De sacramentis non violatis a criminosis ac de confirmatione crismatis. De ordinatis ab hereticis ac de vindicta malorum. De diversis generibus homicidiorum et violentiam aecclesiasticis inferentibus. De oppressione filiorum sive patris seu matris ac uxoris. De diversis generibus monachorum et de abbatibus ac contumacibus monachis. De abbatissa ac vidua seu virgine consecranda. De hospitatione monasteriorum et quibus monachi dent penitentiam, de privilegiis et retractandis iudiciis. Quartus liber continet de matrimonio et diversa consanguinitate. De nuptiis et feminarum raptoribus. De divortio et sacramento parentele. De incesto et turpi commixtione ac varia pollutione. De mendacio ac debiti remissione. De elemosina et ieiunio. De escis vitandis et non vitandis atque ydolorum cultura et incantatoribus. De gradibus cognationis ac affinitate et coniunctione. De gentili uxore et qui sit bigamus, qui vero non.

Quintus liber continet de ammonitione sacerdotum et remissione per penitentiam. De suppliciis maceratis et ultima penitentia. De sepultura mortuorum et exequiis eorum. De septimo vel tricesimo die defunctorum et forma resurgentium. De gehenna ac sacrificiis pro mortuis. De gehenna et qualis sit caro post resurrectionem. De essentia anime.

Each book is preceded by a capitulatio with title-rubrics. Rubrics taken from the Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum are often abbreviated. A number of titles taken from that collection are combined to make a single title. Inscriptions found in the earlier collection, on the other hand, are often corrected and completed. Giuseppe Motta has published a comparison of this collection with the 104 Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum together with an analysis of the canons not found in that collection. The present analysis (NP) is based on the manuscript and the analysis of Motta.


For the analysis, see Giuseppe Motta, Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum sive Collectio in CLXXXIII titulos digesta, MIC Series B: Corpus Collectionum 7, Vatican City 1973, pp. 303–324. Idem, I rapporti tra la Collezione canonica di S. Maria Novella e quella in Cinque Libri. Firenze, Bibl. Naz. Conventi Soppressi MS A.4.269 e Bibl. Vaticana, Vat. lat. 1348, BMCL 7 (1977), pp. 89–94. – For the transmission of the text In die resurrectionis see Arturo Bernal Palacios, La redacción breve del c. „In die resurrectionis“ en las colecciones canónicas pregracianas, in: Proceedings of the 9th ICMCL, pp. 925–927. – Kéry, Canonical Collections, pp. 217–218.


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