Categories for collections by region

From Clavis Canonum

If you want to place a collection in a category indicating the place of origin, please use the map and the list below as a guide. Every collection should be in one and only one category; choose the most specific one possible. The category pages (e.g. Category:Collection from Northern France will show you which collections are already in the category, and normally contain a copy&paste ready category tag (e.g. [[Category:Collection from Northern France]]).

The map itself

Comment on the Map

The map on the right was created with the Visual Editor (see for the original version, with Open Street Map as base map, hence with roads, cities, and modern borders). The goal was to divide the area where Latin canon law collections emerged (most of Western Europe plus northern Africa) into large regions. I roughly followed the tag often found in palaeography, but in many cases terms like "Western France" are used in different ways, so in many cases I made ad hoc decisions.

In many cases, I have followed modern administrative borders, so the borders are a compromise between historical meaningful (but often vague) and modern, sometimes anachronistic definitions.

List of Regions

The most important categories to indicate the place of origins are those referring to regions. Every collection should be in one and only once of the following categories:

Other categories

Higher-level categories

Every region should be in one of the thirteen regional categores listed above; these in turn are all subcategories of either Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe or Category:Collection from Southern Europe and Mediterranean. If, exceptionally, it is not possible to place a collection in a regional category, use a more general category (e.g. Category:Collection from Italy); only if that is impossible too, place the collection in either Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe or Category:Collection from Southern Europe and Mediterranean directly.

More specific (sub-)categories

Feel free to use more specific categories to indicate the place of origin, e.g. [[Category:Collection from Bologna]], [[Category:Collection from Chartres]], [[Category:Collection from Rome]].