Paris, BnF, lat. 2389
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Paris, BnF |
Shelfmark | lat. 2389 |
Century | saec. XI |
European region of origin | unknown |
Collection | Burchard books |
Digital Images | |
Description at | Biblissima |
Description at 2 | BnF Archives et manuscrits |
Main author | Christof Rolker |
Paris, BnF, lat. 2389 is a composite manuscript. The second unit (fol. 1-16) on fol. 2r-15r contains book four of Burchard. The rest of fol. 15v and fols. 16r-v are empty. This copy of book four is unique insofar otherwise only books 19 and 20 of the Liber decretorum enjoyed a separate circulation.
Brommer, Kurzformen p. 23