Paris, BnF, lat. 12270

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 21:21, 25 February 2025 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (additions based on own research)
Library Paris, BnF
Shelfmark lat. 12270
Century saec. XII
European region of origin unknown
Collection Burchard of Worms, Liber decretorum
Digital Images
Digital Images 2 (from microfilm)
Description at Biblissima
Description at 2 BnF Archives et manuscrits
Main author Christof Rolker

Paris, BnF, lat. 12270 (Prov. Corbie) on fol. 1-3 contains a fragment of a copy of Burchard containing the end of book 19 (BU19.137-159) followed by the Seligenstadt canons. The former are numbered as cap. 123-145, the latter as 146-165 (as in Paris, BnF, lat. 12315).

The Burchard chapters on what is today fol. 1 begin mid-sentence in c. 137 (scriptum est enim: neque tetigeris neque); the Seligenstadt entries end with Explicit liber penitentialis (fol. 3vb); other materials follow with no break.


Jasper, MGH Conc. 8 p. 21