Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“

From Clavis Canonum
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The Collectio XLIV capitulorum or De episcoporum transmigratione et quod non temere iudicentur regule quadraginta quattuor is also in the Ms Vallicelliana Tome XVIII. A shorter form of the collection can be found in the Ms Rome, Biblioteca Casanatense 2010 (11th century, Rome or Farfa). Gian Pietro Pozzi edited the collection and the present analysis (ET) is based on that edition. Pozzi argues that this collection was compiled by Anastasius Bibliothecarius after the deposition of Rothad of Soisson in 864, but most scholars now see it as a response to the issues of the synod of Douzy in 872. 50

The Collectio XLIV capitulorum was edited by Gian Pietro Pozzi, Le manuscrit tomus XVIIIus de la Vallicelliana e le libelle De episcoporum transmigratione et quod non temere iudicentur regule quadraginta quattuor, Apollinaris 31 (1958), pp. 313 –350. The most recent treatment is that of Mary Sommar, Hincmar of Reims and the Canon Law of Episcopal Translation, The Catholic Historical Review 88 (2002), pp. 293–309. – Kéry, Canonical Collections, pp. 177–178. – For the use of the various contents of the Ms Vallicelliana Tome XVIII by the compiler of the Collectio IX librorum see Fournier, Un groupe de recueils canoniques italiens, pp. 129–138 (Mélanges, pp. 247–256). Also Roger Reynolds, The Transmission of the Hibernensis in Italy, pp. 38–50.