St. Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. Sang. 676

From Clavis Canonum
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The manuscript, written by (or at least for) Bernold of Constance in the 1080s or 1090s contains a variety of canon law texts including the Collection in 74 Titles, its Swabian Appendix, the Epitome Hadriani, excerpts from Burchard's Liber decretorum, the Decretum Gelasianum, and various penitential tetxs. A very similar combination of texts is found in Stuttgart, WLB, HB VI 107 (Autenrieth, Kottje).



Johanne Autenrieth, Bernold von Konstanz und der Codex Sangallensis 676, in: Festschrift Friedrich Baethgen zu seinem 65. Geburtstag, 1955 (maschinenschriftlich, München, MGH Bibliothek), pp. 1–17 here at p. 5; Autenrieth, Domschule; Kottje, Bußbücher pp. 61-62; Kéry, p. 59, 205