Categories for collections by region

From Clavis Canonum

Please choose one and only one category from each of the three colums. Note that the categories here are not strictly hierarchical - "Northern France" and "Southern France" are both subcategories of "France", but the former is also a subcategory of "Northwestern Europe" while the latter is a subcategory of "Southern Europ / Mediterrenean". - You can also create more specific categories ("Collections from Worms") if you like.

Categories for collections by place of origin
Part of Europe Modern Country Modern Region Examples (from Clavis handbook)
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Austria]] Ranshofen
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Eastern France]] Metz, Eastern, France, Lorraine, modern Burgundy
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Northern France]] Chartres, Reims, Northern France, Laon, Sens, Thérouanne, Fleury, Châlons, Arras
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Western France]] Poitiers, Angoulême
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Germany]] [[Category:Collection from Southern Germany]] Würzburg, Regensburg, Reichenau, Freising, Southern Germany, St Blasien, Passau
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Germany]] [[Category:Collection from Western Germany]] Mainz, Trier, Worms, Prüm, Cologne
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Ireland]] Ireland
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from Switzerland]] St Gall
[[Category:Collection from Northwestern Europe]] [[Category:Collection from United Kingdom]] [[Category:Collection from England]] Cambridge
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from France]] [[Category:Collection from Southern France]] Lyon, Rhone Valley, Kingdom of Burgundy
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Italy]] [[Category:Collection from Central Italy]] Rome, Central Italy, Farfa
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Italy]] [[Category:Collection from Northern Italy]] Lucca, Polirone, ...
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Italy]] [[Category:Collection from Southern Italy]] Southern Italy, South of Rome, Palermo, Montecassino
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Spain]] [[Category:Collection from Catalonia]] Catalonia, Ripoll
[[Category:Collection from Southern Europe / Mediterranean]] [[Category:Collection from Tunesia]] Carthage