Collectio canonum I in Vat. lat. 3829

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 17:38, 26 May 2024 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (splitting the article)

Title Collectio canonum I in Vat. lat. 3829
Key PF
Size large (some 1300 cc)
Terminus post quem 1099 (papal catalogue) / 1139 (Lateran II)
Century ?
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda

[216] Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 3829 contains two canonical collections. The first one on fol. 3r-10v is very small; the key is PF.


Template:Fowler-Magerl, Clavis canonum p. 216Kéry, Collections p. 288.


  • Collection
  • Italian?
  • MSS based
  • stub