Oxford, Bodleian Library, e Mus. 103

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 11:15, 24 June 2024 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (addition from Maassen and others)

Oxford, Bodleian Library, e Mus. 103 (olim 3689) is a copy of a version of the Dionysiana. The manuscript belonged to Justel whose edition of the Dionysiana relies on it for the conciliar canons of the Dionysiana. it does not contain the decretal collection (the Liber decretalium Dionysii).


Opinion on the place and date of origin are divided. Maassen p. 427 dated it to the tenth century. Bischoff, Katalog no. 3796 asserted it originated in "Westfrankreich, IX. Jh., ca. 2. Viertel" (but note that in 1975 Mordek, Kirchenrecht p. 241 had cited Bischoff for "saec. IX ca. 3/4, wohl Ostfrankreich").


e Mus. 103 is variously described as a copy of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana or the Collectio Dionysiana II:

  • The Summary catalogue, Mordek, Kirchenrecht pp. 241-242, and the modern (online) summary description call it a Dionysio-Hadriana (without the decretals).
  • Maassen, Geschichte p. 427 („Bodleian 3689“), Kéry p. 10, Fowler-Magerl p. 30, Firey call it a copy of the Dionysiana II.
  • Bischoff, Katalog no. 3796 described the contexts as "Canones".



Maassen p. 427; Turner, EOMIA vol. 2, pp. 35, 163, 324, 403; Mordek, Kirchenrecht pp. 241-242; Kéry p. 10; Bischoff, Katalog vol. 2, p. 363, no. 3796; Fowler-Magerl p. 30; Firey, Dionysisna;


  • manuscript
  • saec. IX 2/4 (Bischoff)
  • from Westzern France (Bischoff)
  • not digitzed
  • digitization wishlist