Collectio Novariensis

From Clavis Canonum
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A chronologically arranged collection containing the canons of Greek, Gallic and Spanish councils was compiled in Spain between 546 and 589. It is extant in six medieval manuscripts, three of which are kept in the Biblioteca Capitolare in Novara (hence the name Novariensis). The oldest known copy (Novara, BC, LXXIV) dates from the eighth or the ninth century. The collection exercised its greatest influence outside Spain undoubtedly because of the availability in following centuries of the more comprehensive Collectio Hispana. The Novariensis was used in northern Italy by the compiler of the late 9th century Collectio Anselmo dedicata.


The Collectio Novariensis was edited by Gonzalo Martínez Díez, La colección del ms. de Novara, Annuario de Historia del Derecho Español 33 (1963), pp. 391– 538 (online here). – Kéry, Canonical Collections, pp. 32–33.


  • Not in Clavis
  • from Spain
  • saec. VI