Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública, 35

From Clavis Canonum
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The Ms Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública (Provincial) 35 (late 11th century ?) comes from Santes Creus in Coimbre in what is now Portugal. The manuscript begins with an abbreviated version of the Liber decretorum of Burchard. The compiler of a small collection on fol. 134v–146v (SC) used the late version of the Collectio Sinemuriensis which survives only in the Ms Orléans, BM 306 as well as material which would be used for both the collection of the Ms Turin, BNU D. IV. 33 and the second version of the Tarraconensis. On fol. 146v– 162v is the Libellus contra invasores et symoniacos of Deusdedit, which would also be used for the second version of the Tarraconensis. On fol. 163r–167v is another brief collection, which includes the canons of the council held at Poitiers in 1078 and the canons of the synod held at Rome in November of the same year. The collection may have been transmitted by the canons of Saint-Ruf, who were active in Catalonia and, in the 1130s, in Portugal. 138

Both collections are related to the Tarraconsis, but perhaps not closely enough to count them into the Tarraconenses group (see Tarraconensis article).


For the manuscript see Gérard Fransen, Textes grégoriens dans un manuscrit espanol, ZRG Kan. 75 (1991), pp. 58–69. – For Saint-Ruf in Catalonia see most recently Ursula Vones-Liebenstein, Saint-Ruf und Spanien, pp. 49–231. Also Pedro Romano Rocha, Le rayonnement de l’Ordre de Saint-Ruf dans la péninsule ibérique, d’après sa liturgie (Cahiers de Fanjeaux 24, Toulouse 1989), pp. 195–197.


  • Descriptions that need to be split