Florilegium in Montecassino MS 372

From Clavis Canonum
Revision as of 01:41, 13 October 2024 by Christof Rolker (talk | contribs) (additions based on Reynolds and Rolker)
Title Florilegium in Montecassino MS 372
Key FM
Century ?
Main author Christof Rolker

The florilegium in Montecassino, Archivio dell’Abbazia, 372, pp. 149-160 (FM) was compiled in the early eleventh century at San Nicola della Cicogna, a priory of Montecassino, or at Montecassino; it is only known from this manuscript. It draws on the Collectio Hibernensis and the Vatican Collection in Nine Books, and the False Decretals; it has parallels to the Collection in Five Books which according to Reynolds go back to a shared source.

The short dossier contains is clearly monastic in content. It begins with a cleverly selected series of patristic excerpts which address the question of "holy implicity"; read together, they heavily imply that even Saint Jerome approved of monks studying canon law. It was edited by Reynolds; his edition was the basis for the addition of the florilegium to the database in 2019.


Roger E. Reynolds, Further evidence for the influence of the Hibernensis in southern Italy: an early eleventh-century canonistic florilegium at Montecassino (Cod. 372), in: Peritia 19 (2005); Rolker, Canon Law pp. 119-121.