Collectio Dionysiana adaucta

From Clavis Canonum
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Between 850 and 872 an augmented version of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana was made in Italy, perhaps at Ravenna or Rome: the Dionysiana adaucta. The compiler seems to have known and been influenced by very early translations of the Greek councils. Both the copy in the Ms Vat. lat. 5845 (early 10th century, Capua) and the copy in the Ms Vercelli, BCom LXXVI (10th century, Vercelli) have the inscription for the canons of Sardica found in the Corpus canonum Africano-Romanum: Regulae Niceni concilii XX episcoporum quae in Graeco non habentur sed in Latino inveniuntur. The Vercelli manuscript was used in the 10th century by Atto of Vercelli for his own collection.


  • Collections not in Clavis database
  • belongs to: Dionysiana group
  • small (100 to 500 canons) collection
  • from northern ITaly
  • terminus post quem 850
  • terminus ante quem 872
  • saec. IX