Placidus of Nonantola, Liber de honore ecclesiae

From Clavis Canonum
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Title Placidus of Nonantola, Liber de honore ecclesiae
Key ?
Wikidata Item no. Q119618941
Century saec. XII
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda

The Liber de honore ecclesiae by Placidus of Nonantola is a polemical tract very rich in canon law; it has been described as "kanonistische Kompilation und Problemerörterung" which is stractured like a canonical collection (Busch, Liber de honore, 2 and 1, respectively)

For an edition, see MGH Libelli de lite 2, 568-639:

See Busch, Liber de honore, passim.