Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (B version)

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Version B of the collection of Anselm of Lucca, an augmented version, was completed at Milan before the end of the 11th century. Book 11 of version A, which deals with penance, was left out. Version B is based on the same slightly enlarged form of version A that was also the basis for A Aucta. Two complete copies of version B have survived: Mss Vat. lat. 1364 and Berlin, SPKB lat. fol. 597. The Ms Vat. lat. 1364 contains the oldest surviving copy of any one of the versions of the collection of Anselm, although not the oldest version. The manuscript was preserved at the Cluniac monastery of Pontida near Bergamo. The decrees of the council of Piacenza (1095) are found at the end of book seven. The Ms Vat. lat. 1364 is the basis for the present analysis. Only those canons which are not found in version A are listed (AE). In the present analysis the rubrics which differ from those of the version A are found within parentheses as part of the analysis of version A. John Gilchrist analysed version B using the copy in the Ms Berlin. He did not publish the rubrics of the canons, however. The numbering of the canons in the present analysis differs 170 slightly from that in the analysis of Gilchrist because a different manuscript was used. The inscriptions in the Ms Vat. lat. 1364 are very incomplete; the missing inscriptions were completed in the present analysis using the Ms Berlin.

A fragment which goes no further than canon 4. 33 is found in the Ms Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria 375 and a second fragment, which breaks off at canon 12. 17 (=Version A 13. 16), in the Ms Vat. lat. 6381. The Ms Vat. lat. 6381 has been said to contain a shorter form, but the capitulation lists all the titles in the final book.

Each book has its own title and each is preceded by a capitulation. The book titles are as follows:

1.) De primatu et excellentia Romane ecclesie; 2.) De primatu Romane eclesie et libertate appellationis; 3.) De ordine accusandi, testificandi et iudicandi; 4.) De auctoritate privilegiorum; 5.) De iure et ordinatione ac statu omni potestate sive statu episcoporum et de symoniacis; 6.) De electione et ordinatione ac de omni potestate sive statu episcoporum et de symoniacis; 7.) De vita et ordinatione presbiterorum, diaconorum et reliquorum ordinum; 8.) De lapsis; 9.) De sacramentis; 10.) De coniugiis; 11.) De excommunicatione; 12.) De vindicta et persecutione iusta.

The first title is identical to that in the copy of the version A Aucta in the Ms Mantua 318: De primatu et excellentia Romane ecclesie. The title in the body of the text, however, is similar to that in the Venice copy of A Aucta: De dignitate Romane ecclesie. Book 12 (13 in version A) has no title in textu. In version B there are rubrics for all the canons, even those canons which had none in version A. These rubrics are often identical with those in the version A Aucta.

A major source for the additions characteristic of version B is the Liber decretorum of Burchard. Klaus Zechiel-Eckes has shown that much earlier collections found in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana A. 46 inf. were also used. The Ms Milan was copied in Reims, but was already in the possession of the Benedictine monastery of San Dionigi at Milan in the 11th century. This led Zechiel-Eckes to the conclusion that version B originated in or near Milan. One could add the fact that version B contains the full version of the first text in the florilegium De causa iniuste excommunicationis. This text is seldom reproduced in full. It is found in the same length, however, in the Ms Bergamo, Biblioteca Civica MA 244.

It was mentioned above in the description of the version A Aucta that many of the additions to version B are also found in version A 171 Aucta and that the two versions must have had a common source. The quality of the texts is in general better in the version B than in A Aucta. John Gilchrist observed that the person responsible for the version B even improved on the texts of canons found in the version A. Version B was used for the collection in the Ms Turin, BNU E. V. 44. It was also used for a version C which has survived only in 16th century manuscripts. Peter Landau suggests that this version was compiled sometime after 1138 in northern Italy. Texts found only in version C are listed separately in the present analysis (AF). Zechiel-Eckes has shown that it must have been based on a better transmission of version B than that which has survived.


For the analysis, see John Gilchrist, The Collectio canonum of Bishop Anselm II of Lucca (d. 1086): Recension B of Berlin, Staatsbibliothek Preussische Kulturbesitz Cod. 597, in: Cristianità ed Europa. Miscellanea di Studi in onore di Luigi Prosdocimi I, 2, ed. by Cesare Alzati, Rome 1994, pp. 377–403. – For the Ms Bologna 375 see Lorenzo Paolini, La „Collectio canonum di Anselmo da Lucca“: Codice 375 della Biblioteca Universitaria di Bologna, Carrobbio 5 (1979), pp. 367–372. – For the Ms Vat. lat. 6381 see Kuttner, Some Roman manuscripts, pp. 18–20. – For a description of the versions B and C see Landau, Erweiterte Fassungen, pp. 323–337. – For the Milan manuscript see Zechiel-Eckes, Eine Mailänder Redaktion, pp. 130–147. Also Kéry, Canonical Collections, pp. 178–179.

Categories (semi-automatic)

  • key is AE
  • belongs to: Anselm (all versions) group
  • small (100 to 500 canons) collection
  • from Milan
  • from Northern Italy
  • terminus post quem 1080
  • terminus ante quem 1100
  • saec. XI