Guidelines for new entries

From Clavis Canonum

The data model of the Clavis canonum database is the result of the fairly long history of the project. The following fields are needed:

  • Key: The first two letters are the siglum of the respective collection, followed by a running number. If collections are divided into books, use a digit to separate book number and canon number (BU02.001 = first canon in book two of Bruchard's Liber decretorum), if not, not (TC001 = canon 11 in TC). One can also have further subdivisions (GR1.032.06.001 = first canon in Gratian, D.32 c.6)
  • Coll. = Short name of the collection
  • Location: Folio, page, or column the beginning of the individual canon is found. Where possible, we add a page-specific link to the digital image of the page in question.
  • Author group: Siglum of the relevant author group. Note that popes of the same name are but one author group (1GR = all
  • Incipit: The first sex words of a canon
  • Explicit: The last three words
  • Author group