Description of the collections: Difference between revisions

From Clavis Canonum
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* [[The Collectio Hispana, the Hispana Gallica, the Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis and the Hispana Systematica|The ''Collectio Hispana,'' the ''Hispana Gallica,'' the ''Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis'' and the ''Hispana Systematica'']]
* [[The Collectio Hispana, the Hispana Gallica, the Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis and the Hispana Systematica|The ''Collectio Hispana,'' the ''Hispana Gallica,'' the ''Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis'' and the ''Hispana Systematica'']]
**[[The Collectio Hispana|The ''Collectio Hispana'']] {{Coll|HO}}
**[[The Hispana Gallica|The ''Hispana Gallica'']] {{Coll|?}}
**[[The Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis|The ''Hispana Gallica Augustodunensis'']] {{Coll|?}}
**[[The Hispana Systematica|The ''Hispana Systematica'']] {{Coll|?}}

* [[The Dionysiana Bobiensis|The ''Dionysiana Bobiensis'']]
*[[The Dionysiana Bobiensis|The ''Dionysiana Bobiensis'']]

* [[The florilegium Pro causa iniuste excommunicationis|The florilegium ''Pro causa iniuste excommunicationis'']]
*[[The florilegium Pro causa iniuste excommunicationis|The florilegium ''Pro causa iniuste excommunicationis'']]

* [[The Dionysio-Hadriana and the Dionysiana adaucta|The ''Dionysio-Hadriana'' and the ''Dionysiana adaucta'']]
*[[The Dionysio-Hadriana and the Dionysiana adaucta|The ''Dionysio-Hadriana'' and the ''Dionysiana adaucta'']]

* [[The Collectio Hibernensis, the Collectio Sangermanensis, the Collectio LXXII capitulorum and the Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“|The ''Collectio Hibernensis,'' the ''Collectio Sangermanensis,'' the ''Collectio LXXII capitulorum'' and the ''Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“'']]
*[[The Collectio Hibernensis, the Collectio Sangermanensis, the Collectio LXXII capitulorum and the Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“|The ''Collectio Hibernensis,'' the ''Collectio Sangermanensis,'' the ''Collectio LXXII capitulorum'' and the ''Collectio XLIV capitulorum „De episcoporum transmigratione“'']]

* [[The Capitula Angilramni, the Collectio Capitularium of Ansegis, the Collectio Capitularium of Benedictus Levita and the pseudoisidorian decretals|The ''Capitula Angilramni'', the ''Collectio Capitularium'' of Ansegis, the ''Collectio Capitularium'' of Benedictus Levita and the pseudoisidorian decretals]]
*[[The Capitula Angilramni, the Collectio Capitularium of Ansegis, the Collectio Capitularium of Benedictus Levita and the pseudoisidorian decretals|The ''Capitula Angilramni'', the ''Collectio Capitularium'' of Ansegis, the ''Collectio Capitularium'' of Benedictus Levita and the pseudoisidorian decretals]]

* [[The Collectio Dacheriana|The ''Collectio Dacheriana'']]
*[[The Collectio Dacheriana|The ''Collectio Dacheriana'']]

* [[The Constitutiones Sirmondianae, the Commentary of Florus of Lyon to the Constitutiones and the Argrim dossier|The ''Constitutiones Sirmondianae'', the Commentary of Florus of Lyon to the ''Constitutiones'' and the Argrim dossier]]
*[[The Constitutiones Sirmondianae, the Commentary of Florus of Lyon to the Constitutiones and the Argrim dossier|The ''Constitutiones Sirmondianae'', the Commentary of Florus of Lyon to the ''Constitutiones'' and the Argrim dossier]]

* [[The Quadripartitus|The ''Quadripartitus'']]
*[[The Quadripartitus|The ''Quadripartitus'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum attributed to bishop Remedius of Chur|The ''Collectio canonum'' attributed to bishop Remedius of Chur]]
*[[The Collectio canonum attributed to bishop Remedius of Chur|The ''Collectio canonum'' attributed to bishop Remedius of Chur]]

* [[The Collectio CCCXLII capitulorum|The ''Collectio CCCXLII capitulorum'']]
*[[The Collectio CCCXLII capitulorum|The ''Collectio CCCXLII capitulorum'']]

* [[The Collectio Sancti Emmerami Ratisbonensis|The ''Collectio Sancti Emmerami Ratisbonensis'']]
*[[The Collectio Sancti Emmerami Ratisbonensis|The ''Collectio Sancti Emmerami Ratisbonensis'']]

* [[The Pittaciolus of Hincmar of Laon and material collections of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Phillipps 1764|The ''Pittaciolus'' of Hincmar of Laon and material collections of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Phillipps 1764]]
* [[The Pittaciolus of Hincmar of Laon and material collections of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Phillipps 1764|The ''Pittaciolus'' of Hincmar of Laon and material collections of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Phillipps 1764]]

* [[The Collectio XXXI titulorum or CCCIX capitulorum of the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4278|The ''Collectio XXXI titulorum'' or ''CCCIX capitulorum'' of the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4278]]
*[[The Collectio XXXI titulorum or CCCIX capitulorum of the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4278|The ''Collectio XXXI titulorum'' or ''CCCIX capitulorum'' of the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4278]]

* [[The collections in the Ms Milan, Ambrosiana A. 46 inf.|The collections in the Ms Milan, Ambrosiana A. 46 inf.]]
*[[The collections in the Ms Milan, Ambrosiana A. 46 inf.|The collections in the Ms Milan, Ambrosiana A. 46 inf.]]

* [[The Collectio IV librorum in the Ms Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek 124|The ''Collectio IV librorum'' in the Ms Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek 124]]
*[[The Collectio IV librorum in the Ms Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek 124|The ''Collectio IV librorum'' in the Ms Cologne, Erzbischöfliche Diözesan- und Dombibliothek 124]]

* [[The Lex Romana canonice compta and the Excerpta Bobiensia|The ''Lex Romana canonice compta'' and the ''Excerpta Bobiensia'']]
*[[The Lex Romana canonice compta and the Excerpta Bobiensia|The ''Lex Romana canonice compta'' and the ''Excerpta Bobiensia'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum Anselmo dedicata|The ''Collectio canonum Anselmo dedicata'']]
*[[The Collectio canonum Anselmo dedicata|The ''Collectio canonum Anselmo dedicata'']]

* [[The collection of Atto of Vercelli|The collection of Atto of Vercelli]]
*[[The collection of Atto of Vercelli|The collection of Atto of Vercelli]]

* [[The collection of Abbo of Fleury and the opusculum III of Odoramnus of Sens|The collection of Abbo of Fleury and the opusculum III of Odoramnus of Sens]]
*[[The collection of Abbo of Fleury and the opusculum III of Odoramnus of Sens|The collection of Abbo of Fleury and the opusculum III of Odoramnus of Sens]]

* [[The Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis of Regino of Prüm|The ''Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis'' of Regino of Prüm]]
*[[The Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis of Regino of Prüm|The ''Libri duo de synodalibus causis et disciplinis ecclesiasticis'' of Regino of Prüm]]

* [[The Collectio IX librorum of the Ms Vat. lat. 1349|The ''Collectio IX librorum'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 1349]]
*[[The Collectio IX librorum of the Ms Vat. lat. 1349|The ''Collectio IX librorum'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 1349]]

* [[The Collectio V librorum|The ''Collectio V librorum'']]
*[[The Collectio V librorum|The ''Collectio V librorum'']]

* [[The Liber decretorum of Burchard of Worms|The ''Liber decretorum'' of Burchard of Worms]] ({{Coll|BU}}, with BV for the Frankfurt Order, and ({{Coll|BW}}, ({{Coll|BX}}, and ({{Coll|TZ}} for additions)
*[[The Liber decretorum of Burchard of Worms|The ''Liber decretorum'' of Burchard of Worms]] ({{Coll|BU}}, with BV for the Frankfurt Order, and ({{Coll|BW}}, ({{Coll|BX}}, and ({{Coll|TZ}} for additions)

* [[The Collectio XII partium|The ''Collectio XII partium'']]
*[[The Collectio XII partium|The ''Collectio XII partium'']]
** The first version the ''Collectio XII partium'' ({{Coll|TX}})
**The first version the ''Collectio XII partium'' ({{Coll|TX}})
** The second version the ''Collectio XII partium'' ({{Coll|TW}})
**The second version the ''Collectio XII partium'' ({{Coll|TW}})

* [[The Collectio capituli Veronensis in the Ms Verona, BC LXIV (62), fol. 20v–100r|The ''Collectio capituli Veronensis'' in the Ms Verona, BC LXIV (62), fol. 20v–100r]]
*[[The Collectio capituli Veronensis in the Ms Verona, BC LXIV (62), fol. 20v–100r|The ''Collectio capituli Veronensis'' in the Ms Verona, BC LXIV (62), fol. 20v–100r]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana Tome XXI, fol. 284r–302v|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana Tome XXI, fol. 284r–302v]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana Tome XXI, fol. 284r–302v|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana Tome XXI, fol. 284r–302v]]

* [[The Collectio canonum Barberiniana|The ''Collectio canonum Barberiniana'']]
*[[The Collectio canonum Barberiniana|The ''Collectio canonum Barberiniana'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Vat. lat. 3830|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 3830]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Vat. lat. 3830|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 3830]]

* [[The Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum or Collectio CLXXXIII titulorum or the collection of S. Maria Novella|The ''Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum'' or ''Collectio CLXXXIII titulorum'' or the collection of S. Maria Novella]]
*[[The Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum or Collectio CLXXXIII titulorum or the collection of S. Maria Novella|The ''Liber canonum diversorum sanctorum patrum'' or ''Collectio CLXXXIII titulorum'' or the collection of S. Maria Novella]]

* [[The Collectio V librorum of the Ms Vat. lat. 1348|The ''Collectio V librorum'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 1348]]
*[[The Collectio V librorum of the Ms Vat. lat. 1348|The ''Collectio V librorum'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 1348]]

* [[The Collectio Sinemuriensis|The ''Collectio Sinemuriensis'']]
*[[The Collectio Sinemuriensis|The ''Collectio Sinemuriensis'']]

* [[The Diversorum patrum sententie or the Collectio LXXIV titulorum|The ''Diversorum patrum sententie'' or the ''Collectio LXXIV titulorum'']]
*[[The Diversorum patrum sententie or the Collectio LXXIV titulorum|The ''Diversorum patrum sententie'' or the ''Collectio LXXIV titulorum'']]

* [[The Collectio IV librorum|The ''Collectio IV librorum'']]
*[[The Collectio IV librorum|The ''Collectio IV librorum'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Celle, Bibliothek des Oberlandesgerichts C. 8|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Celle, Bibliothek des Oberlandesgerichts C. 8]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Celle, Bibliothek des Oberlandesgerichts C. 8|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Celle, Bibliothek des Oberlandesgerichts C. 8]]

* [[The Collectio Farfensis of the Ms Vat. lat. 8487 and the florilegium in the Ms Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana 3006, fol. 203r–205v|The ''Collectio Farfensis'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 8487 and the florilegium in the Ms Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana 3006, fol. 203r–205v]]
*[[The Collectio Farfensis of the Ms Vat. lat. 8487 and the florilegium in the Ms Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana 3006, fol. 203r–205v|The ''Collectio Farfensis'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 8487 and the florilegium in the Ms Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana 3006, fol. 203r–205v]]

* [[The Collectio canonum Ambrosiana II in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana I. 145 inf.|The ''Collectio canonum Ambrosiana II'' in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana I. 145 inf.]]
*[[The Collectio canonum Ambrosiana II in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana I. 145 inf.|The ''Collectio canonum Ambrosiana II'' in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana I. 145 inf.]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of the canonry Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the canonry Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of the canonry Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the canonry Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand]]

* [[The Collectio Burdegalensis|The ''Collectio Burdegalensis'']] {{Coll|BG}}
*[[The Collectio Burdegalensis|The ''Collectio Burdegalensis'']] {{Coll|BG}}

* [[The florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 266 (C. I. 4)|The florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 266 (C. I. 4)]]
*[[The florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 266 (C. I. 4)|The florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 266 (C. I. 4)]]

* [[The first version of the Collectio Tarraconensis|The first version of the ''Collectio Tarraconensis'']] {{Coll|TO}} {{Coll|TM}}  
*[[The first version of the Collectio Tarraconensis|The first version of the ''Collectio Tarraconensis'']] {{Coll|TO}} {{Coll|TM}}

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 13368|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 13368]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 13368|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 13368]]

* [[The contents of the Ms Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública (Provincial) 35|The contents of the Ms Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública (Provincial) 35]]
*[[The contents of the Ms Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública (Provincial) 35|The contents of the Ms Tarragona, Biblioteca Pública (Provincial) 35]]

* [[The Brevarium canonum of Atto of San Marco|The ''Brevarium canonum'' of Atto of San Marco]]
*[[The Brevarium canonum of Atto of San Marco|The ''Brevarium canonum'' of Atto of San Marco]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A]] ({{Coll|AA}})
* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A]] ({{Coll|AA}})

* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A Aucta and the florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 318 (C. II. 23)|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A Aucta and the florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 318 (C. II. 23)]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A Aucta and the florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 318 (C. II. 23)|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A Aucta and the florilegium in the Ms Mantua, BCom 318 (C. II. 23)]]
** [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A Aucta]] ({{Coll|AD}} and {{Coll|ADMantua}})
**[[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A Aucta]] ({{Coll|AD}} and {{Coll|ADMantua}})
** [[The Florilegium in Mantua, BC, 318]] (not in database)
**[[The Florilegium in Mantua, BC, 318]] (not in database)

* [[The Collectio canonum Ashburnhamensis in the Ms Florence, BML Ashburnham 1554 and the collection in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 3858C|The ''Collectio canonum Ashburnhamensis'' in the Ms Florence, BML Ashburnham 1554 and the collection in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 3858C]]
*[[The Collectio canonum Ashburnhamensis in the Ms Florence, BML Ashburnham 1554 and the collection in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 3858C|The ''Collectio canonum Ashburnhamensis'' in the Ms Florence, BML Ashburnham 1554 and the collection in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 3858C]]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Mss Vat. lat. 3832 and Assisi, BCom 227 (2L/8P)|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Mss Vat. lat. 3832 and Assisi, BCom 227 (2L/8P)]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Mss Vat. lat. 3832 and Assisi, BCom 227 (2L/8P)|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Mss Vat. lat. 3832 and Assisi, BCom 227 (2L/8P)]]

* [[The Collectio XIII librorum of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Savigny 3|The ''Collectio XIII librorum'' of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Savigny 3]] {{Coll|SA}}  
*[[The Collectio XIII librorum of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Savigny 3|The ''Collectio XIII librorum'' of the Ms Berlin, SBPK Savigny 3]] {{Coll|SA}}

* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Vat. Barb. lat. 535|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca in Vat. Barb. lat. 535]] ({{Coll|AG}})
*[[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Vat. Barb. lat. 535|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca in Vat. Barb. lat. 535]] ({{Coll|AG}})

* [[The Dictatus Papae and the Propriae Auctoritates Apostolice Sedis|The ''Dictatus Papae'' and the ''Propriae Auctoritates Apostolice Sedis'']]
*[[The Dictatus Papae and the Propriae Auctoritates Apostolice Sedis|The ''Dictatus Papae'' and the ''Propriae Auctoritates Apostolice Sedis'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum of Deusdedit|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Deusdedit]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of Deusdedit|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Deusdedit]]

* [[The Collectio VII librorum of the Ms Turin, BNU D. IV. 33|The ''Collectio VII librorum'' of the Ms Turin, BNU D. IV. 33]] {{Coll|TU}}
* [[The Collectio VII librorum of the Ms Turin, BNU D. IV. 33|The ''Collectio VII librorum'' of the Ms Turin, BNU D. IV. 33]] {{Coll|TU}}

* [[The second version of the Collectio Tarraconensis|The second version of the ''Collectio Tarraconensis'']] {{Coll|TA}}
*[[The second version of the Collectio Tarraconensis|The second version of the ''Collectio Tarraconensis'']] {{Coll|TA}}

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Madrid, BN lat. 11548|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Madrid, BN lat. 11548]]
* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Madrid, BN lat. 11548|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Madrid, BN lat. 11548]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Munich, StB Clm 12612|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Munich, StB Clm 12612]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Munich, StB Clm 12612|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Munich, StB Clm 12612]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version B|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version B]] ({{Coll|AE}})
* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version B|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version B]] ({{Coll|AE}})

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana B. 89|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana B. 89]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana B. 89|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Rome, Vallicelliana B. 89]]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Turin, BNU 903 (E. V. 44), fol. 71v–86v|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Turin, BNU 903 (E. V. 44), fol. 71v–86v]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Turin, BNU 903 (E. V. 44), fol. 71v–86v|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Turin, BNU 903 (E. V. 44), fol. 71v–86v]]

* [[The Liber de vita christiana of Bonizo of Sutri|The ''Liber de vita christiana'' of Bonizo of Sutri]]
*[[The Liber de vita christiana of Bonizo of Sutri|The ''Liber de vita christiana'' of Bonizo of Sutri]]

* [[The florilegium of the Ms Mantua, BCom 439 (D. III. 13)|The florilegium of the Ms Mantua, BCom 439 (D. III. 13)]]
* [[The florilegium of the Ms Mantua, BCom 439 (D. III. 13)|The florilegium of the Ms Mantua, BCom 439 (D. III. 13)]]

* [[The Collectio canonum Ambrosiana I in the Ms Milan, Archivio Capitolare di S. Ambrogio M. 11|The ''Collectio canonum Ambrosiana I'' in the Ms Milan, Archivio Capitolare di S. Ambrogio M. 11]]
*[[The Collectio canonum Ambrosiana I in the Ms Milan, Archivio Capitolare di S. Ambrogio M. 11|The ''Collectio canonum Ambrosiana I'' in the Ms Milan, Archivio Capitolare di S. Ambrogio M. 11]]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Munich, StB Clm 16086|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Munich, StB Clm 16086]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Munich, StB Clm 16086|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Munich, StB Clm 16086]]

* [[The Collectio XX librorum in the Ms Vat. lat. 1350|The ''Collectio XX librorum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 1350]]
*[[The Collectio XX librorum in the Ms Vat. lat. 1350|The ''Collectio XX librorum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 1350]]

* [[The Collectio Ambrosiana III in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana H. 5 inf.|The ''Collectio Ambrosiana III'' in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana H. 5 inf.]]
*[[The Collectio Ambrosiana III in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana H. 5 inf.|The ''Collectio Ambrosiana III'' in the Ms Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana H. 5 inf.]]

* [[The Collectio Lanfranci|The ''Collectio Lanfranci'']]
*[[The Collectio Lanfranci|The ''Collectio Lanfranci'']]

* [[The Collectio Brugensis in the Mss London, BL Cleopatra C. VIII and Bruges, Bibliothèque de la Ville 99|The ''Collectio Brugensis'' in the Mss London, BL Cleopatra C. VIII and Bruges, Bibliothèque de la Ville 99]]
*[[The Collectio Brugensis in the Mss London, BL Cleopatra C. VIII and Bruges, Bibliothèque de la Ville 99|The ''Collectio Brugensis'' in the Mss London, BL Cleopatra C. VIII and Bruges, Bibliothèque de la Ville 99]]

* [[The Collectio Britannica|The ''Collectio Britannica'']]
*[[The Collectio Britannica|The ''Collectio Britannica'']]

* [[The Collectio Tripartita|The ''Collectio Tripartita'']]
*[[The Collectio Tripartita|The ''Collectio Tripartita'']]

* [[The Collectio X partium of the Ms Cologne, Historisches Archiv W.Kl. fol. 199|The ''Collectio X partium'' of the Ms Cologne, Historisches Archiv W.Kl. fol. 199]]
*[[The Collectio X partium of the Ms Cologne, Historisches Archiv W.Kl. fol. 199|The ''Collectio X partium'' of the Ms Cologne, Historisches Archiv W.Kl. fol. 199]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 713|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 713]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 713|The ''Collectio canonum'' of the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 713]]

* [[The Ivonian Decretum|The Ivonian Decretum]]
*[[The Ivonian Decretum|The Ivonian Decretum]]

* [[The Panormia|The ''Panormia'']]
*[[The Panormia|The ''Panormia'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4283|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4283]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4283|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Paris, BN lat. 4283]]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Vat. lat. 4977|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 4977]]
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Vat. lat. 4977|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 4977]]

* [[The Collectio canonum Sancte Genoveve|The ''Collectio canonum Sancte Genoveve'']]
*[[The Collectio canonum Sancte Genoveve|The ''Collectio canonum Sancte Genoveve'']]

* [[The Collectio Atrebatensis|The ''Collectio Atrebatensis'']]
*[[The Collectio Atrebatensis|The ''Collectio Atrebatensis'']]

* [[The Collectio Sangermanensis IX voluminorum|The ''Collectio Sangermanensis IX voluminorum'']]
*[[The Collectio Sangermanensis IX voluminorum|The ''Collectio Sangermanensis IX voluminorum'']]

* [[The Collectio X (IX) partium|The ''Collectio X (IX) partium'']]
*[[The Collectio X (IX) partium|The ''Collectio X (IX) partium'']]

* [[The Collectio Gaddiana|The ''Collectio Gaddiana'']]
*[[The Collectio Gaddiana|The ''Collectio Gaddiana'']]

* [[The Collectio Casinensis of Montecassino 216|The ''Collectio Casinensis'' of Montecassino 216]]
*[[The Collectio Casinensis of Montecassino 216|The ''Collectio Casinensis'' of Montecassino 216]]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Vat. lat. 3829|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 3829]]
* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Vat. lat. 3829|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Vat. lat. 3829]]

* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A’|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A’]] ({{Coll|AB}})
*[[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A’|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A’]] ({{Coll|AB}})

* [[The Abbreviation of the Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59|The Abbreviation of the ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59]] ({{Coll|CY}}; not completely in database)
*[[The Abbreviation of the Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59|The Abbreviation of the ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59]] ({{Coll|CY}}; not completely in database)

* [[The florilegium in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59|The florilegium in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59]]
* [[The florilegium in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59|The florilegium in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59]]

* [[The Collectio XIII librorum of the Ms Vat. lat. 1361|The ''Collectio XIII librorum'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 1361]] {{Coll|AH}}
*[[The Collectio XIII librorum of the Ms Vat. lat. 1361|The ''Collectio XIII librorum'' of the Ms Vat. lat. 1361]] {{Coll|AH}}

* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A’ in the Mss Parma, Biblioteca Palatina 976 and Graz, UB II. 351|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A’ in the Mss Parma, Biblioteca Palatina 976 and Graz, UB II. 351]] ({{Coll|AC}}; not completely in database)
* [[The Collectio canonum of Anselm of Lucca – version A’ in the Mss Parma, Biblioteca Palatina 976 and Graz, UB II. 351|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Anselm of Lucca – version A’ in the Mss Parma, Biblioteca Palatina 976 and Graz, UB II. 351]] ({{Coll|AC}}; not completely in database)

* [[The Collectio canonum Beneventana|The ''Collectio canonum Beneventana'']]
*[[The Collectio canonum Beneventana|The ''Collectio canonum Beneventana'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum of Codex 203 in the Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana in San Daniele del Friuli|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Codex 203 in the Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana in San Daniele del Friuli]]
*[[The Collectio canonum of Codex 203 in the Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana in San Daniele del Friuli|The ''Collectio canonum'' of Codex 203 in the Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana in San Daniele del Friuli]]

* [[The Polycarpus|The ''Polycarpus'']]
*[[The Polycarpus|The ''Polycarpus'']]

* [[The Collectio VII librorum of the Ms Vienna, ÖNB Codex 2186|The ''Collectio VII librorum'' of the Ms Vienna, ÖNB Codex 2186]]
*[[The Collectio VII librorum of the Ms Vienna, ÖNB Codex 2186|The ''Collectio VII librorum'' of the Ms Vienna, ÖNB Codex 2186]]

* [[The Collectio III librorum|The ''Collectio III librorum'']]
*[[The Collectio III librorum|The ''Collectio III librorum'']]

* [[The Collectio IX librorum in the Ms Vatican, Archivio di San Pietro C. 118|The ''Collectio IX librorum'' in the Ms Vatican, Archivio di San Pietro C. 118]]
*[[The Collectio IX librorum in the Ms Vatican, Archivio di San Pietro C. 118|The ''Collectio IX librorum'' in the Ms Vatican, Archivio di San Pietro C. 118]]

* [[The Collectio canonum (dossier) in the Ms Leipzig, UB 276|The ''Collectio canonum'' (dossier) in the Ms Leipzig, UB 276]]
* [[The Collectio canonum (dossier) in the Ms Leipzig, UB 276|The ''Collectio canonum'' (dossier) in the Ms Leipzig, UB 276]]

* [[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 721|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 721]] ({{Coll|AS}})
*[[The Collectio canonum in the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 721|The ''Collectio canonum'' in the Ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 721]] ({{Coll|AS}})

* [[The Collectiones Catalaunenses|The ''Collectiones Catalaunenses'']]
*[[The Collectiones Catalaunenses|The ''Collectiones Catalaunenses'']]
** [[The Catalaunensis I]] ({{Coll|CH}})
**[[The Catalaunensis I]] ({{Coll|CH}})
** [[The Catalaunensis II]] (key is CI, but collection is not in database)
**[[The Catalaunensis II]] (key is CI, but collection is not in database)

* [[The Collectio Caesaraugustana – the first version|The ''Collectio Caesaraugustana'' – the first version]]
*[[The Collectio Caesaraugustana – the first version|The ''Collectio Caesaraugustana'' – the first version]]

* [[The Collectio Caesaraugustana – the second and third versions|The ''Collectio Caesaraugustana'' – the second and third versions]] {{Coll|CB}}, {{Coll|CC}}, CD
*[[The Collectio Caesaraugustana – the second and third versions|The ''Collectio Caesaraugustana'' – the second and third versions]] {{Coll|CB}}, {{Coll|CC}}, CD

* [[The Appendix Seguntina|The ''Appendix Seguntina'']]
*[[The Appendix Seguntina|The ''Appendix Seguntina'']]

* [[The Collectio canonum Pragensis I or the Collectio CCXCIV capitulorum|The ''Collectio canonum Pragensis I'' or the ''Collectio CCXCIV capitulorum'']]
* [[The Collectio canonum Pragensis I or the Collectio CCXCIV capitulorum|The ''Collectio canonum Pragensis I'' or the ''Collectio CCXCIV capitulorum'']]

* The [[Concordia discordantium canonum or Decretum of Gratian|''Concordia discordantium canonum'' or ''Decretum'' of Gratian]] {{Coll|GR}}
*The [[Concordia discordantium canonum or Decretum of Gratian|''Concordia discordantium canonum'' or ''Decretum'' of Gratian]] {{Coll|GR}}

* The [[Mare vitreum|The ''Mare vitreum'']]
*The [[Mare vitreum|The ''Mare vitreum'']]

* [[Collectio Sangermanensis|The ''Collectio Sangermanensis'']]
*[[Collectio Sangermanensis|The ''Collectio Sangermanensis'']]
* [[Florilegium in Montecassino MS 372|The Florilegium in Montecassino MS 372]]
*[[Florilegium in Montecassino MS 372|The Florilegium in Montecassino MS 372]]
* [[Collectio Francofurtana|The ''Collectio Francofurtana'']]
*[[Collectio Francofurtana|The ''Collectio Francofurtana'']]
* [["Pseudo-Isidorus receptus"|The ''Pseudo-Isidorus receptus'']]
*[["Pseudo-Isidorus receptus"|The ''Pseudo-Isidorus receptus'']]
* [[Admonitio synodalis|The ''Admonitio synodalis'']]
*[[Admonitio synodalis|The ''Admonitio synodalis'']]
* [[The Sententiae Sidonis|The ''Sententiae Sidonis'']]
*[[The Sententiae Sidonis|The ''Sententiae Sidonis'']]

Revision as of 15:26, 24 June 2022

Here you can find the descriptions of all collections contained in the database. The backbone of this part of the wiki is the digitized version of Linda Fowler-Magerl, Clavis Canonum. Selected Canon Law Collections Before 1140: Access with data processing (MGH Hilfsmittel 21, 2005).

But note: This is an evolving page. While this section started with a verbatim copy of Linda's book, some passages have been (sometimes heavily) modified, some articles on multiple collection have been split, and some articles were added as new collections were fed into the database. If you need to quote the original book, please refer to the digitized exemplar (NOT the text found in this wiki). (@@@TODO: not yet available)

The collections