Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (A' version): Difference between revisions

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For the manuscript copies of the version A’ see Uta-Renate {{Author|Blumenthal}}, Some Notes on Papal Policies at Guastalla, 1106, Studia Gratiana 19 (1976), pp. 59–78. – For the additions to the A version in the version A’ see {{Author|Landau}}, Erweiterte Fassungen, pp. 327–328. – For the canons of the first Lateran Council of pope Calixtus II see Martin {{Author|Brett}}, The canons of the First Lateran Council in English manuscripts, in: Proceedings of the 6th ICMCL, pp. 13–28, esp. 21 n. 27. – For the canons of pope Paschal II in the A version see {{Author|Blumenthal}}, The Early Councils, pp. 65–68. See now Szabolcs Anzelm {{Author|Szuromi}}, Some observations on the developing of the different versions of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis (A Comparative Analysation of Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana S. Marco 499 with other manuscripts of Anselm’s Collection, Ius Ecclesiae 14 (2002).
For the manuscript copies of the version A’ see Uta-Renate {{Author|Blumenthal}}, Some Notes on Papal Policies at Guastalla, 1106, Studia Gratiana 19 (1976), pp. 59–78. – For the additions to the A version in the version A’ see {{Author|Landau}}, Erweiterte Fassungen, pp. 327–328. – For the canons of the first Lateran Council of pope Calixtus II see Martin {{Author|Brett}}, The canons of the First Lateran Council in English manuscripts, in: Proceedings of the 6th ICMCL, pp. 13–28, esp. 21 n. 27. – For the canons of pope Paschal II in the A version see {{Author|Blumenthal}}, The Early Councils, pp. 65–68. See now Szabolcs Anzelm {{Author|Szuromi}}, Some observations on the developing of the different versions of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis (A Comparative Analysation of Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana S. Marco 499 with other manuscripts of Anselm’s Collection, Ius Ecclesiae 14 (2002).

== Categories ==
[[Category:Collection Key is AB]]
* key is AB [[Category:Collection Key is AB]]
[[Category:Collection belonging to Anselm (all versions) group]]
* belongs to: Anselm (all versions) group [[Category:Collection belonging to Anselm (all versions) group]]
[[Category:large (1000 to 2000 canons) collection]]
* large (?) [[Category:large (1000 to 2000 canons) collection]]
[[Category:Collection from Northern Italy]]
* from Northern Italy [[Category:Collection from Northern Italy]]
[[Category:Collection saec XII]]  
* saec. XII [[Category:Collection saec XII]]  
* Collection [[Category:Collection]]
[[Category:Clavis entries based on modern edition]]

DEFAULTSORT Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (AB version A) {{DEFAULTSORT:Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (AB version A)}}
DEFAULTSORT Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (AB version A) {{DEFAULTSORT:Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (AB version A)}}

Revision as of 15:24, 2 August 2024

Title Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (A' version)
Key AB
Size Large (1000 to 2000 canons)
Terminus post quem 1123
Terminus ante quem 1175
Century saec. XII
Place of origin Italy
European region of origin Northern Italy
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Main author Linda Fowler-Magerl

The latest version of the collection of Anselm of Lucca to survive in a medieval manuscript is called by Peter Landau the „A’“ version; this is the version called „A1“ by Friedrich Thaner. The most recent texts in this version are the decrees of the Lateran council of pope Calixtus II in 1123 found toward the end of book 4. The decrees are not mentioned in the capitulatio, however, and the abbreviation of the verson A’ in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59 doesn’t contain them either. Peter Landau thinks that the version was completed in northern Italy. I would divide the copies into two groups, the earlier from central and the later from northern Italy. Copies belonging to [219] the earlier group are found in the Mss Florence, BML Ashburnham 53 and BML San Marco 499 and in the codex XII. A. 37–39 in the BN Vittorio Emanuele II in Naples.

The A’ version derives directly from the A version and has nothing in common with the A Aucta or B versions. The copy closest to version A is the Ashburnham copy, which for a time was at Terni in the vicinity of Narni. The Ms Florence, BML San Marco 499, which was in the possession of the Premonstratensians at San Marco in Florence, is the basis for the present analysis of the first subgroup (AB). The Naples copy is closest to the copies of the second group of the A’ version. The copies of the second group, which will be dealt with below, are from northern Italy as is the abbreviation of the version A’ in the Ms Vat. lat. 1361. This probably means that the version A’ originated in Tuscany. Supporting this supposition is the fact that one of the manuscripts in the Tuscan group was used for the abbreviation of the collection in the Ms Pisa, Seminario Santa Catarina 59.

The first title of the first book in the Ashburnham copy is the same as that in the A version: De primatu sancte Romane ecclesie. The title in the other two copies refer to the primacy of the apostolic see rather than the primacy of the Roman church: De potestate et primatu apostolice sedis. The title in these two copies is taken from the first part of the title to the first book in the collection of Burchard of Worms: De potestate et primatu apostolice sedis, patriarcharum ceterorumque primatuum metropolitanorum. In the copies in the Mss Florence, BML San Marco 499 and Naples, BN codex XII.A.37–39, however, power and primacy are attributes of the apostolice see alone.

The Ms Florence San Marco has a list of the book titles. The title of the 13th book refers only to the first canon in the book. The table of contents is as follows:

Primus liber continet de potestate et primatu apostolice sedis. Secundus liber continet de libertate appellationis et ut difficiliora iudicia ad sacerdotes deferantur et qui non obedierit moriatur. Tertius liber continet de ordine accusandi, testificandi et iudicandi. Quod homicide, adulteri et cunctis criminibus allegati et infames atque laici et quicumque coequales non sunt episcopos accusare et vexare non debent. Quartus liber continet de privilegiorum auctoritate ut privilegia ecclesiarum et monasteriorum inviolata permaneant. Quintus liber continet de ordinationibus ecclesiarum et de omni iure actus illarum. Quod ecclesia una est licet diversa habeat membra. Sextus liber continet de [220] electione et ordinatione et de omni potestate sive statu episcoporum et ut papa incolumi nullus ambiat papatum et de electione alterius si ipse adhuc vivens nichil inde disposuit. Septimus de communi vita clericorum et qui se continere non possunt. Octavus liber continet de lapsis et qui ex clero lapsi fuerint pauperimis monasteriis ubi peniteant tradantur ipsi et res ipsorum aut si parentes habuerint ipsi res accipiant ac suficientiam eis provideant. Nonus liber continet de sacramentis ut in sacramentorum oblationibus nichil offeratur nisi panis et vinum aqua mixtum. Decimus liber continet de coniugiis. Quod pactio coniugalis coniugium facit. Undecimus liber continet de penitentia. Duodecimus liber continet de excommunicatione. Quod excommunicati sunt omnes qui contra sanctam Romanam ecclesiam superbiendo se erigunt. Tercius decimus continet quod Moyses nichil crudele fecit quando precepto domini quosdam trucidavit.

The A’ version is characterized by additions, not all of which are found in the Ashburnham copy. At the end of book 3 in all copies is a letter of pope Urban II to the provost Lucius of St. Juventius in Pavia (JL 5743), one of several reasons why Peter Landau would place the A’ version in northern Italy. At the end of book 4, among other additions, are the decrees of the Lateran council of 1123. Book 4 contains among other additions a forgery forbidding canons regular from becoming monks, book 5 a letter of pope Paschal II to Victor, bishop of Bologna (JL 6616). The decrees of the council of Guastalla (1106) are at the end of book 6. The Ashburnham copy of the version A’ brings only two of these decrees at the end of book 6. An excerpt from a letter of pope Alexander II to the clerics and people of Lucca is found as an addition to book 6. This is the same text that is found in the appendix to two copies of the A version (in the Mss Vat. 1363 and Paris 12519) and in the appendix to the Ashburnham copy. For this appendix in the Ashburnham copy see the description of version A above. There are numerous additions at the end of book 8 in all manuscripts, but those added to the end of the book in the Ashburnham copy are different from those in the other copies. At the end of book 10 are six excerpts from the Panormia of Ivo of Chartres dealing with marriage. They are present in all copies of the A’ version, but only in the Ashburnham copy are they identified as such: Incipit VI. Panormie ex libro constitutionum i. tit. viii.

Following book 13 in the Ms Florence San Marco are canons from books 1 and 6–8 of the Panormia of Ivo. In the Ms Naples, beginning with fol. 98va, is a long series of texts taken from the Collectio III librorum: [221] 3. 53. 31–3. 55. 2, 3. 55. 4–16, 3. 55. 22, 3. 40. 10, 3. 32. 2–3. 33. 4, 3. 33. 6–7, 3. 35. 1–3. 36. 3, 3. 39. 1–3. On fol. 110vb: Explicit liber tercius decimus; then the first decree of the synod held at Benevento in 1108 (JL 6613).

Peter Landau recognized that version A’ was used not only for the Collectio XIII librorum in the Vat. lat. 1361 but also for the Collectio IX librorum in the Mss Vatican, Archivio di San Pietro C. 118 and Berlin, SPKB lat. fol. 552.


For the manuscript copies of the version A’ see Uta-Renate Blumenthal, Some Notes on Papal Policies at Guastalla, 1106, Studia Gratiana 19 (1976), pp. 59–78. – For the additions to the A version in the version A’ see Landau, Erweiterte Fassungen, pp. 327–328. – For the canons of the first Lateran Council of pope Calixtus II see Martin Brett, The canons of the First Lateran Council in English manuscripts, in: Proceedings of the 6th ICMCL, pp. 13–28, esp. 21 n. 27. – For the canons of pope Paschal II in the A version see Blumenthal, The Early Councils, pp. 65–68. See now Szabolcs Anzelm Szuromi, Some observations on the developing of the different versions of the Collectio Canonum Anselmi Lucensis (A Comparative Analysation of Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana S. Marco 499 with other manuscripts of Anselm’s Collection, Ius Ecclesiae 14 (2002).

DEFAULTSORT Anselm of Lucca, Collectio canonum (AB version A)