Collectio II librorum/VIII partium: Difference between revisions

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{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Collectio II librorum/VIII partium''}}
{{DISPLAYTITLE:''Collectio II librorum/VIII partium''}}
{{Infobox collection
    | key          = VA
    | size          = Medium (500 to 1000 canons)
    | century      = saec. XI
    | normregion    = Northern Italy
    | generalregion = Southern Europe and Mediterranean
    | title        = Collectio II librorum/VIII partium
    | author1      = Fowler-Magerl, Linda
== Title ==
== Title ==
The collection was long known only from [[Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 3832|Vat. lat. 3832]], where the material is divided into two books; hence it was known as ''Collectio II librorum'' (''Collection en deux livres'' etc.). In the second copy,  [[Assisi,_Biblioteca_comunale,_227|Assisi, BC 227]], the collection is divided into eight ''partes''. For the sake of a better name, it is therefore referred to as ''Collectio II librorum/VIII partium'' following Fowler-Magrel and Rolker, who both used the somewhat ugly but unambiguous siglum "''2L/8P''".
The collection was long known only from [[Città del Vaticano, BAV, Vat. lat. 3832|Vat. lat. 3832]], where the material is divided into two books; hence it was known as ''Collectio II librorum'' (''Collection en deux livres'' etc.). In the second copy,  [[Assisi,_Biblioteca_comunale,_227|Assisi, BC 227]], the collection is divided into eight ''partes''. For the sake of a better name, it is therefore referred to as ''Collectio II librorum/VIII partium'' following Fowler-Magrel and Rolker, who both used the somewhat ugly but unambiguous siglum "''2L/8P''".

Revision as of 17:49, 23 November 2023

Title Collectio II librorum/VIII partium
Key VA
Size Medium (500 to 1000 canons)
Century saec. XI
European region of origin Northern Italy
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Main author Fowler-Magerl, Linda


The collection was long known only from Vat. lat. 3832, where the material is divided into two books; hence it was known as Collectio II librorum (Collection en deux livres etc.). In the second copy, Assisi, BC 227, the collection is divided into eight partes. For the sake of a better name, it is therefore referred to as Collectio II librorum/VIII partium following Fowler-Magrel and Rolker, who both used the somewhat ugly but unambiguous siglum "2L/8P".

The collection itself

The first part of the collection in the Ms Vat. lat. 3832 is well known and often cited because about half of the canons in that manuscript were edited in 1962 by Jean Bernhard. A capitulatio, which begins on fol. 23v, has rubrics for 360 canons in a first and 385 canons in a second book although there is no such division in the text. Canon 2.385 is found on fol. 99v, the last canon in the manuscript on fol. 199r. A considerable number of folios are missing in the Ms Vat. lat. 3832 (V) and so it is fortunate that the whole collection (not just the part edited by Bernhard) and the collection in eight parts in the Ms Assisi, BC 227, fol. 81r to 236v (A), are one and the same. The latest texts which clearly belong to the collection in the Ms V are the decretal letters JL 5378 and 5393 of Urban II, the second of which can be dated 1089. They are found near the end of the collection on folio 196. In the Ms A the first of the Urban texts, which is adressed to AN(selm III) of Milan, is missing. The text of the second is found in the shortened form in which it appears in the Panormia 5. 107. It is not numbered and there is no rubric for it in the capitulatio. The decretal letter JL 5835 of Paschal II, dated 1100, was added to the Ms V [151] on fol. 199r in a different hand. In the Ms A it is numbered and there is a rubric for it in the capitulatio.

The division of the collection into eight parts in the Ms A was made after 1100 in imitation of the Panormia of Ivo of Chartres. At the end of the Ms A, on fol. 236v, is a capitulatio for the canons of the first part. It breaks off in the middle of a column after the rubric for canon 1.67 ( = 1.66 of the Vatican copy). The scribe reworded the last three of these rubrics slightly, otherwise the rubrics are the same as those in the Ms V. At the beginning of the manuscript are the fragmentary remains of a capitulatio with rubrics corresponding to canons at the end of the 7th part and to those in the 8th part. Following the capitulatio for the 8th part (on fol. 84r–v) is a description of the contents of all eight parts similar in form to the description in the Panormia:

Prima pars loquitur de dignitate Romane ecclesie et de difficilibus causis ut ab illa terminantur, de mutatione et condempnatione episcoporum. De appellatione eiusdem sedis et auctoritate conciliorum. De episcopali auctoritate unde procedit, de purgatione et absolutione episcoporum. De auctoritate privilegiorum. De monachis et monasteriis eorum. Et de diversis pluribus a sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Secunda pars loquitur de ordine accusationis et accusatorum personis. De periurio et coniugio et separatione coniugatorum. De ecclesia quod reconsecrari debeat. De conspiratione et inobedientia clericorum contra episcopos et de excommunicatis. De sinodis congregandis et usurpatione dampnatorum. De adulterio et infamia. De personis in iudicio existentibus et restitutione expoliatorum. De clericis non iudicandis nec criminandis a saecularibus et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Tertia pars loquitur de prelatis indignis et ignorantia sacerdotium. De episcopali electione et simoniaca heresi. De promotione clericorum ad sacros ordines et quales debeant promoveri et quales removeri et quo tempore fiat ordinatio. De mundicia et lapsis clericorum. De decretis et observatione eorum. De parrochianis alienis et manus impositione. De reparatione sacerdotum et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Quarta pars loquitur de locis in quibus missa celebrari debeat et qualitate oblationum et virtute sacrificii. De ecclesiarum et sacerdotum consecratione et chrismatis et sollempnitatibus. De baptismo et manus impositione. De ordinatis ab hereticis et in heresim lapsis et post conversis. De sedibus et potestate regum, episcoporum et regum. [152] De clericis usurariis et muneribus sacerdotum. De ornamentis ecclesie vel altaris et ne mulieres ea contingantur. De consecratione non gravi lapsu earum. De excommunicatis et ecclesiis officiis. De sacrilegiis et coniugiis. De lapsis et paganismo et de iudeis. De providentia episcoporum erga ecclesiastica et violatione ecclesie. De scismaticis et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Quinta pars loquitur de vindicta temperanda et quando militetur Deo. De paricidis et male depredandis. De persecutione quam facere potest ecclesia et penitentia illorum qui res alienas retinent. De sacerdote inter sacra misteria infirmante. De infectore uxoris proprie. De coniugio et maritorum numero. De multimodis iuramentis et de matricia. De nocturnis visionibus et decimis et penitentibus. De presbitero a populo diffimato et sententiis discordantibus. De principalibus patriarchis. De fraudulenta electione episcopi et de simoniacis. De corpore et sanguine domini et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Sexta pars loquitur de invasoribus rerum ecclesiasticarum et de decimis. De fornicatione presbiterorum et simonia. De ministerio sacerdotum et parrochiano alieno. De ordinatis feneratoribus. De habitu et moribus clericorum. De ecclesia consecranda de qua dubitatur. De multimodis ecclesie officiis et disciplinis et de dispensatione rerum ecclesiasticarum. De baptismo et baptizandis sive baptizatis et confirmandis. De corpore et sanguine domini et si casu aliquid de eo stillaverit. De multimodo homicidio. De consanguinitate et testibus. De velatis et velandis viriginibus sive viduis. De abbatibus et monachis et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Septima pars loquitur de religione sacrarum virginum et legitimis et iniustis coniunctionibus. De sortilegis et auguriis et conditionibus gentilium. De natura et divinatione demonum. De maledicis et conspirantibus clericis contra episcopos. De qualitate excommunicationis et reconciliationis. De sacrilegis et predonibus ecclesiasticarum rerum et membrorum truncatione. De excommunicatis et furibus in patibulo suspensis. De iuramento et ieiuniis. De ebrietate et illis qui predam in episcopis faciunt. De admonitione regum et principum et doctrina populi. De falsis testibus et pravis iudicibus et oppressoribus pauperum et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Octava pars loquitur de simoniaca heresi. De confessione et penitentia. De spiritibus anglorum et hominum et pecudum. De gratia et predestinatione et ordinatione Dei. De angelis bonis et reprobis. De sacra oblatione facta pro defunctis. De igne purgatorio et die iudicii. [153] De gloria sanctorum et pena reproborum. Et de diversis pluribusque sententiis sanctorum patrum.

Numbering the canons for the present analysis presented something of a problem. There are no book divisions or chapter-numbers in textu in the Vatican manuscript, only a fragmentary capitulatio. For the convenience of the user, the part of the collection which corresponds to the edition will be numbered according to the edition (VA), but the rest of the collection will be numbered according to the book divisions in the Ms Assisi 227 (VB). When a canon is present in the Ms Assisi in the first half of the collection its location is indicated in the location column – from A1.1–A5.149. Many folios are missing in both manuscripts. Fortunately the canons missing in one copy are almost always present in the other. It was therefore possible to reconstruct the original collection. Differences between the copies in the second half of the collection are indicated as follows: when a canon is present in the Vatican manuscript there is a V in the location column and when present in the Assisi manuscript there is an A, and when present in both: V + A.

The first part of the collection Vat. lat. 3832/Assisi 227 (2L/8P) – the edited part – has much in common with the collection of Anselm of Lucca. The relationship is complicated, however, and cannot be fully resolved here. The 2L/8P contains numerous patristic texts, some of which appear in longer form than in the collection of Anselm of Lucca. Detlev Jasper has shown that this is also true for the use of excerpts from letters of pope Gelasius I. The collection in 2L/8P has a number of rubrics in the text which are different from those in the capitulatio. One example: the rubric in the capitulatio of canon 2.134, a letter of pope Pelagius I, reads: De schismaticis coercendis a secularibus, the same as in the collection of Anselm (Anselm 12.46). The rubric in the text reads differently: De schismaticis per publicas potestates coercendis. The capitulatio was obviously composed later than the text of the collection and was influenced by the collection of Anselm.

The title of the first book in both the A version of Anselm and 2L/8P is De primatu Romane ecclesie. But 2L/8P also contains a version of this rubric in common with the early 12th century version of the Anselm collection, A’. The title of the first book in the A’ version and the rubric to canon 1.14 of 2L/8P refer to the primacy of the Roman see rather than to the primacy of the Roman church: Item de primatu Romane sedis. Significant, too, is the rubric to canon 1.73, an [154] excerpt from the letter of Gregory I to the abbess Thalassia. It reads as follows: Quod papa possit reges deponere et excommunicare etiam per scriptum. This is very close to the wording of the Dictatus papae. The canon itself appears to my knowledge in the Collectio III librorum, in the abbreviation of that collection in nine books and in the collection in the Ms Turin, BNU E. V. 44, without, however, this polemic title.

There are also similarities to the A Aucta form of the collection of Anselm. Both the 2L/8P and the A Aucta form were used for the Berlin 13L, the surviving form of which was probably completed circa 1089. Robert Kretzschmar recognized that the same sub-group of the Cassino version of the Collectio LXXII capitulorum (74T) was used for the 2L/8P and for the treatise De misericordia et iustitia of Alger of Lüttich and for the collection in the Codex 203 of the Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana in San Daniele del Friuli. The 2L/8P also transmits texts of pope Pelagius I which are found only in the Collectio Britannica.

In the later part of the collection are blocks of excerpts from the Sinemuriensis in the form found in the Ms Madrid, BN 428. This is apparently the form which circulated in Italy. The block of texts from the Sinemuriensis is followed by a block of texts from the Liber decretorum of Burchard. At the very end of 2L/8P is a disputed text: De Romani pontificis potestate universas ecclesias ordinandi. This text was attributed by Joseph Ryan to Bernold of Constance, a suggestion which was not well received. An excerpt of the text is found in the Collectio XIII librorum in the Ms Berlin, SPKB Savigny 3 (canon 1. 138, fol. 22v–23r). Recently, however, Claudia Märtl has pointed out that Bernold was in Rome in 1089, so that „Bernoldisch“ influence on the compiler in the very last phase of compilation cannot be ruled out.


For the edition of the first part of the Ms Vat. lat. 3832 see Jean Bernhard, La Collection en deux livres (Cod. Vat. lat. 3832), I: La forme primitive de la collectione en deux livres, source de la collection en 74 Titres et de la collection d’Anselme de Lucques, RDC 12 (1962), pp. 1–601. – For a description of both copies of the collection see Fowler-magerl, The Restoration, pp. 179–203. – For the identification of the sub-group of the 74T used see Kretzschmar, Alger von Lüttichs Traktat, pp. 88–92. – For the use of the Bernoldian text in 2L/8P see Joseph Ryan, The Legatine Excommunication of Patriarch Michael Cerularius [155] (1054) and a new Document from the First Crusade Epoch, Studia Gratiana 14 (1967), pp. 22–28. Idem, Bernold of Constance and an anonymous libellus de lite: De Romani pontificis potestate universas ecclesias ordinandi, AHP 4 (1966), pp. 9–24. Ian Stuart Robinson, Bernold von Konstanz und der gregorianische Reformkreis um Bischof Gebhard III, Freiburger Diözesan-Archiv 109 (1989), pp. 164–168 objected to an ascription to Bernold. Märtl, Zum Brief Papst Urbans II, p. 54, considers such an ascription to Bernold not impossible. – The compiler of the Collectio XIII librorum in the Ms Berlin, SPKB Savigny 3 took the letter of Urban II to Gebhard III of Constance from the 2L/8P in a version similar to that of the Ms Vat. lat. 3832. Somerville, Pope Urban, p. 135 n. 238 calls this text (VB 8. 155. 3) a „supplement“ to the 2L/8P. A version of the collection 2L/8P will have existed without it since the text does not appear in the Ms Assisi, but it is an integral part of the collection in the Vatican manuscript. – For the use of canons of Gregory VII see John Gilchrist, The Reception, Part I , p. 43. – Kéry, Collections p. 227.


2L/8P is a collection with two keys in the database; VA is the main key, VB is a secondary one.

  • key is VA (and VB)
  • medium size (500 to 1000 canons) collection
  • from northern Italy
  • precise date missing
  • saec XI

DEFAULTSORT "Collectio 002 librorum 008 partium"