Wien, ÖNB, Cod. 1370
Library | Wien, ÖNB |
Shelfmark | Cod. lat. 1370 |
Century | s. IX¼-½ |
Place of origin | Mondsee Abbey |
European region of origin | Southern Germany |
General region of origin | Germany |
Collection | Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) |
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Main author | Bruno Schalekamp |
Wien, ÖNB, Cod. lat. 1370 is an early to middle ninth-century manuscript of 120 folios in 1 col. and 17-19 lines (180 x 130 mm (145 x 90 mm)). Its codicological composition reads as follows: 15 quires: 15 x IV120, quire signatures in Roman numerals start at I8 until VIIII72, no signatures hereafter; modern foliation numbering in Arabic numerals. It was written by several hands in Caroline minuscule in saec. IX¼ according to Kéry or saec. IX½ according to its online catalogue. Denis previously dated the manuscript to saec. X, which may be considered outdated. While its origin is from the Mondsee Abbey according to Kéry and Mordek, its provenance is so far unknown. The only proof is that it was previously signed as Rec. 3324, and probably therefore transferred from the Mondsee Abbey in 1791 – when it was dissolved by Leopold II – to the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek.
The manuscript is a small-sized codex and contains some canonical material (the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) and the Council of Nicaea), excerpts of Isidore de Seville, Pomerius, and Boethius (Confessio fidei), a chapter of Gregory the Great's Regula Pastoralis, a commentary on the rite of baptism, Arn of Salzburg's pastoralis qualis, a treatise on fasting, some orations, sermons, and prayers, and the Legend of the Seven Sleepers.

Cod. lat. 1370 is especially interesting due to its unorthodox mix of contents. Generally, canonical material travels with other similar material, with some additions, excerpts or small 'different' texts. Here, however, the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) seems to be the 'odd one out'. The canonical material comprises less than ten folios, and even the sermons do not seem to have the upper hand. It is, therefore, rather hard to pinpoint the exact purpose of this manuscript. A preliminary conclusion could be that the codex comprised a private collection, used for personal purposes, serving very specific needs or studies.
Concerning the quality of the manuscript, the parchment is not of the best quality. There are droves of holes, damaged parts, and cut-offs on many folios, which probably made it difficult for the scribes to do their work. Clearly, the scribes have worked around and adapted to the damaged and cut up folios to suit their patron's needs.
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folios texts
Front cover
1r Unknown fragment. Includes parts of the Kyrie eleison 1v-23r Commentary on the rite of baptism, titled: Ordo uel breuis explanatio de catechizandis rudibus 23r-26r, 28v-33v, 37v-40r, 45r-45v, and 47v-53v Excerpts of Isidore de Seville's Sententiarum libri tres 26r-28v, 33v-37v, 40v-45r, and 45v-47v Excerpts of Pomerius's De vita contemplativa 53v-62v Arn of Salzburg: Incipit pastoral qualis debeat esse pastor aecclesiae 63r-64v Treatise on fasting 65r-70r Pope Gregory the Great's Regula Pastoralis, chapter 11 70r-72r Oration or sermon on the pater noster prayer 72r-81v Council of Nicaea, including preface and canons 81v-83r Unknown oration or sermon on a missal 83r-88r Excerpts of a treatise of Boethius' Confessio fidei 89r-90r De octo vitiis principalibus 90r-98v Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii), chapter I-XXX 98v-107v The Legend of the Seven Sleepers 107v-120v Sermon, titled: De confusione diaboli et inferni 120v Unknown short addendum: Truzonem seruum gotesmanni...
Back cover
Bischoff, Schreibschulen Vol. 1 (1974), p. 180; Bischoff, Schreibschulen Vol. 2 (1980), p. 24; Bouhot, ‘L’instructio ad competentes’ (1992), p. 282, 284, and 286; Denis, Tabulae Codicum (1864), p. 230 n. 1370; Gamber, Codices liturgici Vol. II (1968), p. 574; Keefe, Catalogue of Works (2012), p. 378-379; Kéry, Canonical Collections (1999), p. 77 and 81; Mordek, Bibliotheca capitularium (1995), p. 1052; Mordek, Kirchenrecht und Reform (1975), p. 259; Reynolds, Law and Liturgy (1994), p. 155 (IV) and 26-27 (VI); Siegmund, Die Überlieferung der griechischen christlichen Literatur (1949), p. 73; Steinmeyer and Sievers, Die althochdeutschen Glossen (1898, reprint 1969), p. 642 n. 611; Weber, Die handschriftliche Überlieferung Vol. 2 (1993), p. 351.
An edition of the Collectio XXX capitulorum (De ratione matrimonii) is currently being prepared by Sven Meeder, Gideon de Jong, and Bruno Schalekamp.