Vendôme, BM, 160

From Clavis Canonum
Library Vendôme, BM
Shelfmark 160
Century saec. XII
European region of origin unknown
Collection Panormia
Digital Images not online as of early 2025
Description at Panormia project
Description at 2 CCFr
Description at 3
Main author Martin Brett

Vendôme, BM, 160 is a copy of the Panormia (siglum: Vq).

s. xii. In long lines and several hands. Holy Trinity, Vendôme. Conceivably known to Geoffrey of Vendôme: Cahiers de civ. med. xli (1998) 124 and n. but see Giordanengo, Geoffroy de Vendôme, Oeuvres (1996) xix n. 29.

88 fos, to Panormia 8.136 -where it ends ‘etc’ in mid-canon near foot of leaf. Has many omissions, particularly in Bk 8.


For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition, see Brett, Panormia


Kéry, Collections p. 258.