Uploads by SMeeder

From Clavis Canonum

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
11:32, 15 July 2024 Vesoul79 fol44v.jpeg (file) 1.88 MB First chapters of the Collectio XCI capitulorum in Vesoul, BM, 79 (c) Bibl. mun. Louis Garret 1
00:23, 13 July 2024 BnF2316 fol84r.jpeg (file) 352 KB The opening of the ''Collectio CCCC capitulorum'' in Paris, BnF lat. 2316 (fol. 84r) 1
12:44, 12 July 2024 ONB1370 fol90r.jpg (file) 161 KB The opening of ''De ratione Matrimonii'' (''Collectio XXX capitulorum'') in Vienna, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, MS lat. 1370, fol. 90r online 1