San Daniele del Friuli, Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana, 203
Library | San Daniele del Friuli, Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana |
Shelfmark | 203 |
Century | saec XI |
European region of origin | Northern Italy |
General region of origin | Southern Europe and Mediterranean |
Collection | Collectio canonum in San Daniele, Biblioteca Guarneriana, 203 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
San Daniele del Friuli, Biblioteca Civica Guarneriana, 203 contains the Libellus contra invasores et simoniacos et reliquos scismaticos of Deusdedit and the sole known copy of a canon law collection which is an augmented version of the Collectio LXXIV titulorum (= Collectio canonum in San Daniele, Biblioteca Guarneriana, 203, key GU).
The copy of the collection in the Ms Guarnerius 203 was made prior to the pontificate of Calixtus II (1119–1124) because his name was added to a papal catalogue by a different scribe. The manuscript was probably copied in northern Italy. The Codex Guarnerius also contains a series of texts (canons 222a, c, e–i) which can be found in the Collectio Ashburnhamensis and the Collectio canonum I in Paris, BnF, lat. 3858C. They correspond to canons 1. 194, 191, 193, 195–198 in the Paris manuscripts and canons 398, 396, 395, 406–409 in the Ashburnham manuscript. Some of the same canons are also found in the 9th book of the A Aucta version of the collection of Anselm. Canon 222a–c and e = A Aucta 9. 85, 79, 83 and 84.
Blumenthal, Codex Guarneriana; Kéry, p. 207; Fowler-Magerl, p. 229
- Manuscript
- saec. XIex (or saec. XIIin?)
- from Northern Italy
- Copy of Collectio canonum in San Daniele, Biblioteca Guarneriana, 203