Paris, BnF, lat. 4279
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Paris, BnF |
Shelfmark | lat. 4279 |
Century | saec IX |
European region of origin | Western France |
General region of origin | Northwestern Europe |
Collection | Collectio Sanblasiana |
Digital Images | gallica.bnf |
Description at | mirabileweb |
Description at 2 | individual.utoronto |
Bischoff number | 4296 on p. 93 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
Contains the Collectio Sanblasiana, which presumably fills the whole manuscript (fol. 1-99). According to Elliot, is was written in Western France in the mid-ninth century.
Digital copy
- For a digital copy (of the b/w microfilm), see
- neither in Kéry, nor in 2005 Clavis handbook
- MIRABILE description
- Elliot: