Paris, BnF, lat. 13656

From Clavis Canonum
Library Paris, BnF
Shelfmark lat. 13656
Century saec XII
European region of origin unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. -->
Collection Collectio Tripartita
Digital Images gallica.bnf
Main author Lotte Kéry

Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, lat. 13656 is a copy of the first version of the Collectio Tripartita ( = J in the Brett/Nowak edition).

Written in long lines, saec. xii. The hand is a rather heavy one. From the abbey of S. Mary, Josaphat (OSB, Chartres).

The manuscript partly illegible at beginning and end, where it ends at the foot of fo. 340v in Trip. B 29. 239 med., apparently incomplete. There is a lacuna caused by physical loss after fol. 1, covering Trip. A1.1.4 med. - A1.2.15 med. (which deprives us of important evidence for the canons present in the earlier version after 1.1.8 but omitted in the later version). The text is very close to Paris, BnF, lat. 3858 (= Z), which may have been copied from it (but see the description of Z for Trip. 1.4.8A). After Trip. A1.4.8 it adds 8B, with a marginal cross, apparently reflecting its presence earlier as Trip. 1.4.4. This is found otherwise here only in Z, but in H/Q reappears below as Trip. 1.12.1A. In Trip. 1.54 after c. 29 it has two canons, both again marked with a marginal cross: c. 29A is only otherwise found at the end of T (and largely repeats c. 27), though c. 29B does not appear to repeat an earlier text and is also found in G HQA. It has three repetitious canons from Ivo's Decretum book 16 in Trip 3.29 (86A, 103A, and 222A) not found in any other reported manuscript. As with 1.54.29A-B (and 153A, 153B, 195A), marginal crosses appear to indicate that they were to be excised, and none are copied in Z, though Z’s corrected inscription to 3.29.87 seems to shows that 86A stood in its ultimate exemplar. J has sometimes been adjusted later, but not in a way that establishes the use of a second exemplar. See too Szuromi (2010) 78-81, and the description of T (= København, Kongelike Bibliotek, Thott 555 4°).



  • saec XII
  • digitized, but only from microfilm, so it's still on the wishlist
  • Tripartita
  • Manuscript