Paris, BnF, lat. 10588

From Clavis Canonum
Library Paris, BnF
Shelfmark lat. 10588
Century saec IX
European region of origin Southern France
General region of origin Southern Europe and Mediterranean
Collection Collectio Vetus Gallica
Digital Images gallica.bnf
Digital Images 2 gallica.bnf
Description at archive
Description at 2 mirabileweb
Description at 3 archivesetmanuscrits.bnf
Main author Lotte Kéry

A copy of the Collectio Vetus Gallica (Mordek's "P2") with an appendix fol. 41r-74v (similar to that in Cod. Stuttgart HB. VI. 113) described in detail by Mordek, Kirchenrecht pp. 234-237. Fol. 75r-138r seems to contain a glossary, fol. 139v-139v a list of abbreviations.

Mordek argued on basis of the chronicle ending with events of 747 or 749 (and the "barbarian" Latin) that BnF lat. 10588 was (ultimately) copied from a model written in that time; hence, he held, the "süddeutsche Version" of the Vetus Gallica originated in Burgundy before the mid-eighth century.

"sec. IX ca. secondo quarto" (Mirabile)


  • Mordek, Kirchenrecht pp. 286-287, here at 287:
"entstanden möglicherweise in Burgund, „kann aber wohl auch aus einer anderen Gegend der Südhälfte Frankreichs stammen" (B. Bischoff in einer brieflichen Mitteilung; anders dagegen W. M. Lindsay, in: Glossaria Latina 5, S. 152: „c. ann. 800, ni fallor, in scriptorio Germanico exaratufs]")."

Digital images:


  • manuscript
  • not in Clavis
  • digitized
  • saec. IX
  • Southern France (Mordek)
  • copy of Vetus Gallica