Oxford, Queen’s College, 8.c.18, pastedowns
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Oxford, Queen’s College |
Shelfmark | 8.c.18, pastedowns |
Century | saec. XII |
European region of origin | unknown |
Collection | Panormia |
Description at | Panormia project |
Description at 2 | lostmss.org.uk |
Main author | Martin Brett |
Thew pastedowns of Oxford, Queen’s College 8.c.18 (a 1589 printed Martyrologium Romanum) contains fragments of a copy of the Panormia (siglum: Oh).
Four folios covering Panormia 4. 66 end (seu ad testimonium) - 4. 68 rubric, 4.72 rubr. - 4.77 med. (ante inscriptionem), 4.105 end (respondeat. Si adesse) - 4.106 (defuerit subtrahens, 4. 117 med. (absens) - 4.128 (postulaverunt).
For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition, see Brett, Panormia
Ker, Pastedowns 166