Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud. misc. 421

From Clavis Canonum

Laud misc. 421 is a copy of the Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana made in Western Germany in the late ninth century. The capitulatio on fol. 1r-1v, however, is that of the Collectio Vaticana in Vat. lat. 1342 (Maassen, Geschichte p. 513).

Maassen frequently refers to this manuscript („Cod. Bodl. 893 der Hadriana“), see here.

Digital images and description (based on Mairhofer): https://digital.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/objects/15e4bce8-7ca9-4b30-aa96-40093b35a44c/


  • Maassen, Geschichte p. 513 (
  • Kéry, Collections p. 25
  • Daniela Mairhofer, Medieval Manuscripts from Würzburg in the Bodleian Library, Oxford: A Descriptive Catalogue (2014), pp. 648-864
