Oxford, Bodleian Library, Holkham misc. 19

From Clavis Canonum

Kéry, p. 63 describes it as a copy of the Collectio Hispana containing also Pseudoisidorian material including the Capitula Angilramni; Fowler-Magerl, p. 41 calls it a "late version of the Hispana ... apparently made in central Italy", and pointed to a section containing material from the eleventh century plus other texts not known from any collections before that of Anselm of Lucca.

Gonzalo Martínez Diez (in Revue de droit canonique 49/2, 1999, at pp. 302–320) provides a full description of the manuscript's contents.



  • Gonzalo Martínez Diez, "La collection canonique Hispana et le manuscrit de la Bodleian Library, Holkham, Misc. 19", Revue de droit canonique 49/2 (1999), 297–322.
  • Kéry, pp. 63, 107, 117