München, BSB, Clm 29590/3

From Clavis Canonum
Library München, BSB
Shelfmark Clm 29590/3
Olim shelfmark Clm 29172
Century saec XIII (HSP)
European region of origin unknown
Collection Panormia
Digital Images not online as of early 2025
Description at Panormia project
Description at 2 HSP
Description at 3 BSB (catalogue)
Main author Martin Brett

München, BSB, Clm 29590/2 and Clm 29590/3 are fragments of a copy of the Panormia (Mp). The three double folios that form Clm 29590/3 cover Panormia 1.159-2.63.

Prov. St. Mang in Stadtamhof, today part of Regensburg ("Aus Stadt am Hof St. Mang"); two columns.