Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 638
From Clavis Canonum
(Redirected from Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek, 638)
Library | Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek |
Shelfmark | Cod. 638 |
Century | saec. XII |
European region of origin | Southern Germany |
Collection | Panormia |
Collection 2 | Tractatus de sacrilegiis |
Collection 3 | Collectio Augustana |
Digital Images | not online as of early 2025 |
Description at | Panormia project |
Description at 2 | https://manuscripta.at/?ID=834 |
Main author | Martin Brett |
Main author | Christof Rolker |
Klosterneuburg, Stiftsbibliothek, Cod. 638 is a composite manuscript containing three canonical collections:
- Part one (fol. 1-179): saec. XII, two columns, contains the Panormia (siglum Ka) to 8.136; has adds, and fol. 105 is pasted in, with addns. For end cf. London, British Library, Add. 18371 (Le).
- Part two (fol. 181-190): saec. XII, two columns, contains the Tractatus de sacrilegiis.
- Part three (fol. 191-198): saec. XII3/3, long lines, contains the Collectio Augustana.
For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition of the Panormia, see Brett, Panormia
BB (1991) 174; GA, Mordek in Festschrift Kempf 193n; Zechiel-Eckes, Neue Aspekte pp. 23-24; Kéry, Collections pp. 195, 255, 290.