København, Kongelike Bibliotek, Thott 158 fol.

From Clavis Canonum
Library København, Kongelike Bibliotek
Shelfmark Thott 158 fol.
Century saec. XII
European region of origin unknown
Collection Panormia
Description at Panormia project
Main author Martin Brett

København, Kongelike Bibliotek, Thott 158 fol. is a copy of the Panormia (siglum Ce).

s. xii France (?). In long lines and many hands. Bought by Thott from Thomas Osborne.

144 fos. Explicit after Panormia 8. 134, with 8.135-6 among adds in same hand, which end with Alexander II JL 4500. ; a later hand added a decretal fragment of Alexander III at the end of book six. Rubrics in several hands throughout, sometimes as Paris, BnF, lat. 2472 (Pa), sometimes not. Rubrics in several hands throughout. Traces of a division into sixteen books, for which see Pa, and the text is related to that of Pa and Paris, BnF, lat. 3869 (Pk). The rubrics are erratically present throughout, sometimes as Pa, sometimes not. There are extensive later scratched glosses, difficult to read in the ms and more or less impossible in a microfilm.


For a list of manuscripts and a provisional edition, see Brett, Panormia


Kéry, Collections p. 255.