Köln, Historisches Archiv, Bestand 7010, 199

From Clavis Canonum
Library Köln, Historisches Archiv
Shelfmark Bestand 7010, 199
Century saec XII
European region of origin Western Germany
General region of origin Northwestern Europe
Collection ?
Digital Images historischesarchivkoeln
Description at bilder.manuscripta-mediaevalia
Main author Lotte Kéry
Main author Rolker

Köln, Historisches Archiv, Bestand 7010, 199 is one of only two manuscripts of the Cologne 10P; it is not a copy of Tripartita A, as it is sometimes claimed. It is from Western Germany (maybe from Cologne), saec XII (tpq 1139).

In the literature, the manuscript is sometimes quoted by its pre-1994 shelfmark ("W 199"), or as "W.Kl. fol. 199". The shelf mark is "199", but as there are several sub-collections (Bestände) in the archive, several of which have manuscripts with the shelf mark "199", it is probably best to quote it as "Köln, Historisches Archiv, Bestand 7010, 199". Often, the archive is referred to simply as Stadtarchiv.

The manuscript was very likely damaged and may have been destroyed in 2009: https://www.stadt-koeln.de/leben-in-koeln/kultur/historisches-archiv/der-einsturz-des-historischen-archivs