Köln, Dombibliothek, Cod. 213
From Clavis Canonum
Library | Köln, Dombibliothek |
Shelfmark | Cod. 213 |
Century | saec VIII |
European region of origin | unknown <-- manuscript cannot at present be categorized in one of our regions according to Categories for manuscripts by region. --> |
Collection | Collectio Sanblasiana |
Digital Images | digital.dombibliothek-koeln |
Description at | digital.dombibliothek-koeln |
CLA | CLA VIII 1163 |
Main author | Lotte Kéry |
Earliest copy of the Collectio Sanblasiana, which fills the whole manuscript (fol. 1-143). Base manuscript of Elliot´s transcription.
The manuscript is dated to the first third (von Euw) or the first half (Elliot) of the eighth century.
The „famously misleading entry“ (Elliot) 'SIGIBERTUS SCRIPSIT' does not allow to establish the place of origin. However, it certainly links Cod. 213 to Cod. 212, where the very same phrase is found, and the lost Collectio Teatina manuscript that served as an exemplar of Reg. lat. 1997 (Elliot).
- Manuscript description (Anton von Euw): https://digital.dombibliothek-koeln.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:hbz:kn28-3-2304
- Wikidata: https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q125747861
- Elliot, Sanblasiana (analysis and transcription): http://individual.utoronto.ca/michaelelliot/manuscripts/texts/sanblasiana.html
- Manuscript
- saec. VIII 1/2 (Elliot)
- from "England, Irland oder Echternach" according to the Cologne homepage
- digitized
- copy of Collectio Sanblasiana