Formulae collectionis Sancti Dionysii

From Clavis Canonum

The collection known only from Paris, BnF, lat. 2777, fol. 43r-61v contains 25 documents, namely 14 formulae based on original letters and charters, plus 11 other documents including a letter to Charlemagne, the Constitutum Constantini, and papal letters. It was compiled at Saint Denis in the ninth century (according to Rolf Große, only around 878). The materials have been printed several times; for the papal letters, see Papsturkunden in Frankreich N.F. 9, pp. 64-88.



  • Rolf Große, Diözese Paris. 2: Abtei Saint-Denis (Papsturkunden in Frankreich, N.F., 9), 1998, pp. 64-88.