Florilegium in Paris, BnF, lat. 10402

From Clavis Canonum

Paris, BnF, lat. 10402 is a composite manuscript of miascellaneous materials described as "Fragments de divers manuscrits". Fol. 65-72, a separate quire only later bound together with the rest of BnF, lat. 10402, is a twelfth-century copy of the polemic De papatu Romano, the Papal Election Decree of 1059, and canon law materials. According to Schieffer, Rechtstexte p. 52 n. 9 (pdf) the most recent text it contains is JL 6330 of 1112.

See https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/btv1b9068060q/f75.item for digital images.